Daddy daughter time

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2 months later

Jason's pov

She's learned to talk and is just like a regular kid now after I got the being deaf thing fixed. I'm glad me and Luke live so close so she and Sierra can see each other often. My mom has been texting me nonstop about it all but I am not up for all that, instead I go to the studio and Mike's jaw drops. "Yeah, hey man, turns out I've got a daughter." "W-When did ya find out?" "A few days ago." She rubs her eyes tiredly. I smile and pick her up, rocking her a little while Mike tells me about the rest of the tour. "Oh I'm gonna need some of those headphones. She's new at the whole hearing thing." He gives me a questioning look. "I'll explain later." He nods and hands me a pair. "Do you wanna hear daddy sing?" She nods. She's still pretty quiet but she does know how to talk now. I sit her in a chair and go into the recording place. He turns it on and I sing. "I wanna be the man that ya thought I was. I wanna be the man that made ya fall in love. I can't undo everything I've done, but startin' right now baby you're the only one." Out of the corner of my eye, I see her laughing and clapping.

*later that night*

As I'm flipping through TV channels, tired but unable to sleep, Miranda walks out and climbs into my lap. "Couldn't sleep either huh?" "I miss momma." I bite my lip. There's nothing I can do about her mom. She's dead. "I'm sorry sweetheart but I can't bring her back." I say, tickling her back and pretty soon she's asleep in my lap. I don't feel like getting up so we both just sleep on the couch.

*one week later*

Me and Luke sit on the dock, our poles casted. Brad and Carrie babysitting for us. "If Jenny told me when she was first born, maybe she'd still be alive." "There isn't anything we can do. We might as well not dwell on it." "That's not the problem Luke. My daughter wakes up every night crying for her mom and there isn't anything I can do to comfort her except hold her. I can't bring her back!" I toss down my rod not in the mood anymore for fishing. "It's just so hard seeing her cry like that and knowing there's nothing I can do." "Well, there is one thing." I look over at him confused. "Get a girlfriend. She's young enough to forget." "That could work but I don't want her forgetting her mother." "It's either she gets a new one and loses the heartbreak or she remembers and cries every night take your pick." I sigh. I'd rather her not cry so I guess I'm going back into the dating game. "How should I go about getting a woman? I haven't dated in months." "I can't help ya there." I'm done fishing. I'm going to get my little girl and spend the rest of the day with her. I drive over to Brad's where they're playing in the backyard. I love seeing her so carefree and happy. I wish she was like that all the time. She can be. Find a girlfriend and she will. Ugh my inner thoughts are bossy. I open the gate and she runs to me. "Daddy, I caught a butterfly!" I laugh and pick her up. "Pretty soon you'll be catchin' deer and turkey with your old man." I joke. "What are you doing here so early?" Brad asks. "I changed my mind about a lazy day. Instead it'll be a daddy daughter day." "Yay!" She cries, hugging my neck. We get back to my truck where I buckle her in her car seat. We go to the zoo and midday we get lunch at the cafe in the zoo. She keeps looking behind herself. "Darlin'? What are ya doin'?" I ask, setting my burger down. "That owl won't stop staring at me." She mumbles, pointing. I laugh. "That's what they're supposed to do. I was told that owls are really guardian angels." She looks back at me quick. "Like mama." I suck in a breath. "Y-Yeah, like your mama, she's an angel now and she's watching over you. Come on and finish your lunch we still got a lot to see." We finish eating and walk by the owl exhibit. "I love you mama, I'll miss you." She whispers. I sigh, staring at my poor little girl.

*later that night*

I walk by her room, seeing her praying beside her bed. "Thanks for letting my mama be my angel. And thanks for letting me find my daddy. I love him so much." That sweet little girl. I smile and walk in as she says amen. She climbs back in bed and I tuck her in, kissing her forehead. "I love you too baby girl." "Goodnight daddy." "Goodnight, Miranda." I go to my bedroom and decide a good way to meet girls. I'll throw a party. It'll be like a welcome to the family thing so Miranda can be there too. I call all my friends and tell them to call their friends so I'll meet new people. No matter what happens, my daughter comes first always and she needs a motherly figure in her life. I will do this for her.

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