Good News

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Miranda's pov

I get to school and Keith was waiting for me with a smile. I smile too. We sit down next to each other at lunch and we play on the playground at recess. "Hey Miranda, I'm having a party tomorrow and I would really like it if my favorite girl would be there." I smile big. "I'm your favorite girl?" He nods and hugs me. "I'll ask my dad." He kisses my forehead and my face burns with wanting.

Jason's pov

The girls get home late from school. Luke sets down his beer. "There you are!" He gasps. I've been worried sick when the bus didn't drop them off. "I'm sorry daddy, we missed the bus!" "Why didn't you call us!?" I sigh. "Luke calm down, you've been drinking!" He goes to the kitchen. Sierra's crying. "Why did daddy get so mad?" "He was just worried about y'all. He's not mad at you. He's mad at the situation." Luke and Sierra go home. "Dad, I... Um... Well Keith is throwing a party and he asked if I could go. Can I go?" My seven year old already going to parties? "Where's it gonna be? And are they're gonna be adults?" "It's gonna be at Keith's house and his parents will be there. It's his birthday." I bite my lip. I don't want to tell her no but I just don't know if she's old enough to. "Lemme talk to Mrs. Rachel first." "Okay." She goes to her room. I hope she's okay. I'm worried about her. Rachel comes home. "Did you know the girls missed the bus?" "No! Did they make it home?" "They're okay. Miranda's friend Keith invited her to a party." She sits beside me. "That's great." I don't think so.

Miranda's pov

I listen from the top of the stairs. "I just don't know if she's ready. I don't want the kids making fun of her." "Oh Jason, kids picking on each other is normal." "I don't care. I don't want no one messin' with my little angel." Ugh. "Are you saying she can't go?" "No, it's not that.... She can go.... I'm just worried." Yes! He said I can go! I run downstairs and hug him tightly. "Oh thank you thank you thank you!" I cry, happily. He laughs. "Were you eavesdropping on us?" I laugh too and nod. I sit in between daddy and Mrs. Rachel. "I'm so excited. Me and Keith are gonna have fun. Oh we need to get a birthday present for him!" Mrs. Rachel smiles, a hand on her stomach. Daddy stares at her with a huge smile. I look at him then her. "What's going on?" I ask, confused.

Jason's pov

Rachel gives me looks asking mentally if we should tell her yet. I shake my head. ""Let's go work on dinner, sweetheart." I say, picking her up.


"When are we gonna tell her?" Rachel asks. I change into a Georgia bulldogs T-shirt. "After her friend's party. I don't want her worrying about this." Rachel smiles. "Boyfriend." She whispers. I glare at the floor. "She's too young to have a boyfriend!" I gasp. She just laughs and lays down. "Seriously, they're just friends!" "I don't know." I roll my eyes. "You love teasin' me huh baby?" She laughs and nods.

*the next day*

Rachel's pov

I take the girls shopping for a birthday present. Miranda gets him a remote control helicopter and Sierra gets him a new video game. I smile as the girls get new outfits for the party. I can't wait to tell her she's gonna be a big sister. I drop the girls off at the party and get back home. Jason's drinking a beer. "I don't like the idea of her having a boyfriend." "Oh Jason, I was only teasing you." He wraps an arm around my waist. "Yeah but she will soon when she's a teen. And I don't like it!" I smile and kiss him. "I can't wait to tell her." He smiles and stares down at me. "Me too baby. She's gonna flip."

*one week later*

Miranda's pov

I get home from school and daddy and Mrs. Rachel are sitting on the couch. "Hey sweetheart, come sit down. We have something to tell you." Dad says, patting the couch. "Ok, good or bad?" I ask, worriedly looking at them both. I set my backpack down. "It's good honey." Mrs. Rachel said. Dad smiles at her and holds her hand. "Um Miranda, sweety, you're gonna be a big sister." Dad says. Wait?! What?! My eyes go wide. "Mrs. Rachel's pregnant?" Dad nods. I stand back up.

Jason's pov

She looks freaked out. Uh oh. "Honey, you okay?" I ask, worriedly. She runs upstairs. Oh crap. Rachel looks at me worriedly. "I... I'll figure this out. Don't worry hun." I kiss her then go upstairs. I knock on her door. "Baby girl, can I come in?" "Just a second!" She opens the door a few minutes later, wearing a 'I'm a big sister' T-shirt. I smile. "I've been wanting to wear this since me and mama made it in Panama City! It still fits too!" Her mom. Ooh she hasn't talked about her in a while. I pick her up. "You aren't upset?" "No I'm excited, why would I be upset?" I shrug. "Don't know." She plays with my necklace and I carry her downstairs. "She's excited!" I tell Rachel. She gets up off the couch and we share a group hug. "I love you daddy and Mrs. Rachel." I smile and kiss her forehead. "I love you too baby girl."

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