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Rachel's pov

"You may kiss the bride. Jason grips my shaking hand. "My pleasure." He says, proudly, kissing me. If his arm wasn't holding me up, I'd have collapsed from nerves. "I love you Jason." I say, tearing up in happiness. "I love you too baby, so much." He says, hugging me tight. Just then Miranda runs up the aisle, her blue dress flowing. Jason picks her up. "I love you guys." She says, crying. We go to the reception hall, Jason's arm still wrapped around my waist, my head against his shoulder. "I am so blessed. I thank God for all I've been given." I say, tilting my head to look at him. He smiles and kisses me. "I'm glad you're finally mine forever baby." He whispers, pulling me into the dance floor. "I'll always be yours." I say.


Sierra's pov

I point to a boy in the yearbook. "Hot or not?" I ask. She looks at it and cringes. "No! Definitely not!" She gripes. We both laugh hysterically. "Miranda your dad is leaving." Dad calls. "I'll be right back." She says, getting up.

Miranda's pov

I go downstairs where Dad and Mrs. Rachel are by the door. "Bye dad, love you." I say, hugging him. I wave to Rachel and go back upstairs.

Jason's pov

That was weird. She usually hates it when I leave. I stare after her nervously. "Luke, keep an eye on her for me." I say. "I will. No worries." He says. Me and Rachel go to my truck. "You okay Jay?" "I'm a little worried. Miranda's never been that chill when I leave before." "Oh don't worry she's fine." "Yeah you're probably right."

Luke's pov

Jason texts me.

J: can u check on her for me?

L: why?

J: just do it.

I sigh and go upstairs to their barely cracked open door. They're laughing and looking through a yearbook. I text him about it. He doesn't reply though. That guy worries too much.

Miranda's pov

"This one hot or not?" She asks, pointing. I look and it's Keith. My cheeks get red and my hands clam up. "I uh...." She stares at me, her jaw dropped. "What?" I ask. "You like him!" She gasps, pointing. "No I don't!" I lie. "Yes you do! Omg!!" She cries. "What's the commotion?" Uncle Luke asks, poking his head in. I tense up. "Nothin' daddy." Sierra says, laughing. He leaves. "Did you tell your dad?" She asks. I shake my head. "And I won't either." "Dinner." Luke calls. We go downstairs. Luke serves us dinner and we exchange looks. "Your dad's not here." She whispers. "Don't remind me." I mutter, sighing. She smiles and pats my shoulder then jumps out of her seat. I sigh and follow suit. "Wonder twins!" We shout at the same time. Uncle Luke rolls his eyes. "No wonder twins." Auntie Lisa says. We lock eyes both thinking the same thing. We put on our best puppy dog faces. He sighs and gives in. "What is your bidding?" He mumbles. We both laugh. Auntie Lisa records it on her phone.

Jason's pov

My phone vibrates, catching me by surprise. I grab it off the nightstand. "Who is it?" Rachel asks. "Lisa sent me a video." I mutter, laying back down and clicking into it. Rachel snuggles against me. The girls are doing wonder twins and shockingly Luke is doing what they say. I can't help but laugh. He looks at Lisa. "Crap, you aren't recording this are you?" He gripes, lowering his hands. She laughs and so do the girls. "Yeah I think I'll send it to Jay." She says. "Come on Lisa don't do that!" He gripes. "Miranda comes into camera view. "Hey daddy love you!" She says, waving. The video goes over. "Aww, that sweet kid." Rachel says. I smile and Skype Lisa's phone.

Miranda's pov

"Hey Miranda, your daddy is skyping." Uncle Luke calls. I stumble downstairs and retrieve the phone, sitting on the bottom step. "Hey daddy." "Hey baby girl, so you reeled Luke into your little wonder twins act?" I laugh and nod. "Me and Sierra are telling scary stories for Halloween. Ya wanna join us?" "I was just calling to say goodnight I can't stay on long." "Ok, dad. Can't wait for you to get home love you." "Love you too sweetheart." Rachel tugs on his shoulder. "I uh gotta go honey. I'll see ya in a week." Rachel kisses him and he signs off. I laugh and hand Lisa her phone back. I go back upstairs to hang with Sierra. "You should ask Keith out." She says. "Eww no. He should ask me out." I reply, proudly. We both laugh then go to bed.

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