Hunting And Reminiscing

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Miranda's pov

Me and dad are going hunting which is something I haven't done since that whole mess with that douche. We climb into the deer stand. Dad's got his bow and I've got mine. It was pretty quiet. No game. The silence was almost buzzing in my ears. "I remember the first time we went hunting together." He says, breaking the silence. I don't really remember my first hunt that well. I look over at him and he's smiling. "Tell me the story." I say, also smiling. "You were only seven. It was like ten days after me and Luke found you girls on our tour bus steps. I was a little worried, ya know cause you just started hearing again." I don't remember this at all. He scratches his scruff then continues. "I had no reason to worry." He looks at his boots. "Why not?" I ask. "You're a natural. You nailed a ten and twelve point before I even had my bow loaded." I blush slightly. Mom used to take me hunting and without hearing, my sight was heightened and I could see what he probably never would have. I look back out and spot a deer. He was doing something with his bow. "Hey dad," I say standing up. "Yeah?" He asks looking up. "Like this?" I teasingly ask with a smile. I fire an arrow and nail the deer. He smiles and stands up too. "Yeah just like that princess." He says, ruffling my hair. I laugh and jump out of the deer stand. We walk to my deer. "Damn. I've never seen one of these!" He gasps. "A 14 point? Really? Mama and me caught ones bigger than these before I was four." I say, grabbing the antlers. He snaps a picture and we haul it back to his truck. He chuckles softly as we walk back to the stand. "What?" I ask. He smiles. "Oh nothin'." "Aw come on. What were you laughing at?" "Oh just thinking about one of you and Sierra's favorite little games with me." "Which was?" I pry. He looks back up out at the open field, a relaxed smile on his face and the wind blowing his hair around slightly. "Does the term wonder twins ring a bell?" My eyes go wide as flashes of memories hit me. French toast. The ice cream parlor. Dad never failed. He always played along with our childish antics. I smile and hug him. "What was that for?" "Because you're my dad and I love you." "I love you too." I hear footsteps. "Mind if I join you?" I hear uncle Luke say. I smile and turn around. "Hey uncle Luke, sure you can." He unfolds a small chair and crashes beside us, a beer in his hand. Dad's arm rests across his leg, his bow in his hand. I smile at them both. "I love you guys." I say.


Jason's pov

Miranda went on a date with Keith and Sierra went on a date with her boyfriend Austin. "Miranda sure was lovey today." Luke says, staring into space. I smile and work on skinning that deer she caught. "She had a revelation. She stopped hanging out with those asshole kids and is now back to being my perfect little angel again." I say. He walks into the kitchen, beer in hand. The twins run into the kitchen. "Whoa that thing's huge!" James gasps, adjusting his glasses. "Your sister got it." I say. "We sure are gonna have a lot of meat for winter." Erica says. I nod. After I get it cut and stored, I sit on the couch to watch the last five minutes of the dawgs game. Luke heads home and Rachel and the twins sit beside me. Erica lays her head in my lap, falling asleep. I smile. "Ok kiddos bed time." I say. They both head to bed and I follow to tuck them in. "Hey dad, what are those things Miranda has in her ears?" Erica asks. "Oh those, hearing aids." I respond, flipping the light off. "Why does she have hearing aids?" "When she was little, there was an accident that made her lose her hearing. They help her hear." "So it's a lot like that eye guy on x-men?" She gasps. I laugh. "Go to sleep, hun." I say, closing the door. I walk back downstairs. "How much longer til Miranda comes home from her date?" Rachel asks. I smile and glance at my watch. "2 hours til curfew." I say sitting beside her, an arm behind her head as I pull her into a kiss. I lay back on the arm of the couch with her on top of me. It was getting intimate when the door opened. My eyes went wide when I saw my eldest daughter in the front door, staring at us wide eyed. Crap! Me and Rachel quickly stand up. "Uh.... Honey? What are ya... Doin' home so early?" I mumble embarrassed. "Movie let out." She says, slowly, her face probably redder than mine. "I'm.... Just gonna.... Go to my room now." She says, walking by. Keith waves and leaves. "Well that.... Was embarassing!" Rachel gasps. "You said it baby." I say, looking at her. She smiles. "Take it upstairs?" I ask. "Oh yeah." I grab her hand and we go upstairs.

Miranda's pov

Well that was something I never thought I'd walk in on. At least Mrs. Rachel only had her shirt off so I didn't see anything TOO revealing. I shudder just thinking about it. My phone beeps.

K: you alright?

M: just scarred for life.

K: ya wanna talk?

M: I'm just gonna hit the hay.

K: alright. See ya later. Love you.

M: love you too.

Jason's pov

*the next day*

Miranda comes into the kitchen. The twins and Rachel are still asleep. "Hey uh... You okay.... After last night and all?" "I do not wanna talk about that!" She gasps quickly. She pours a glass of orange juice. Oh man. "I hope it didn't mess you up too bad." Her face gets red again. She slams the glass on the counter. It shatters. "What part of I don't want to talk about it don't you understand!" She cries, running from the room. Damn.

Miranda's pov

Damn. I cut my hand on the glass. Stupid glass. Stupid day. Stupid night! Last night was disturbing. That's something no kid should ever see their parents doing. I put a bandaid on the cut then walk to my room. I turn on Pandora and listen to some music. I close my eyes and ten minutes later, I'm shaken awake. Dad sits at the foot of my bed. I sigh and shut my eyes again. He turns my Pandora off! "Hey I was listening to that!" I gasp. "Well now you're listenin' to me. I didn't know you were coming early. We wouldn't have done that if we knew you were coming home before curfew." "Ok I get it. I don't want to talk about it though! It's just disturbing to think about!" I gasp, covering my ears. "Please just go." He stands up. "Jeez just go dad!" He walks out, closing the door. That quickly went from bad to worse.

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