My baby comes first

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Luke's pov

Me and Sierra are practicing her singing. She's gonna sing with me tonight onstage. She's memorizing some of the songs we're singing tonight, while I tune my guitar. I smile, watching my sweet little princess. I'm so glad I found her. Well technically she found me. She smiles up at me. I pick her up and hug her tight. "I love you angel." "I love you too daddy." I play my guitar for her and she sings. I think we're ready for the stage. I hold my guitar and my daughter's hand as we walk onstage. "You guys are in for a treat. My little angel, Sierra Bryan is singing along with me tonight." She smiles up at me. A stagehand gives her a mic. She grins. "Ready?" I ask. She nods. "Ok, 1,2, a 1,2,3,4." I gasp. "T-shirt, blue jeans, don't like much on TV. Caviar and a triscuit ain't no red eyed gravy on a biscuit. My deep southern drawl, makes the conversation, you're gonna have to hang around long enough to hear me out." As she sings, her body sways to the music and I can't help but laugh. She's just great.

*after the show*

"I think the little Bryan has just as much talent as her daddy." Brad, our other tourmate says. I smile and pat her head. "Yep my little Sierra is gonna be a star." "Let's get going guys, we've got a lot of miles to go." Jason calls, stepping off the bus. "It's a windin' uphill road!" Sierra calls back. He looks stunned and we all laugh. "Wow, you're really good." He says, pointing at her. She smiles. "Let's get on the road." I say, picking her up. She yawns. "Ooh, someone's tired." She lays her head on my shoulder and falls asleep almost instantly. I take her on the bus and lay her in her bed then I go back out. "Tonight was great." I say. "Yeah, she sure can sing. You guys could be a father daughter duo." Jason says, pointing at me. "So how's the finding a girl coming along?" He shrugs. "You're gonna laugh when I say this but I don't have the guts to call Rachel." I try not to laugh. "Gimme that number." His eyes go wide. "Oh no, you're gonna mess me up!" He gasps, backing away with a smirk. "Oh just give it to me." "Fine but don't embarass me." He mutters pulling out the piece of paper. I call her then as I'm getting off Caroline comes off the bus. "Who were you talking to?" She asks. "Oh Rachel she's-" "who's Rachel?! Why were you talking to another girl!?" "If you'd let me finish," I gripe, scrunching my nose in frustration, "She's the girl Jason has a crush on but is too scared to talk to her." "Sorry dude, didn't mean to cause trouble with the princess." He grumbles, glaring at her. "Oh cram it where the sun don't shine, Jason!" She shouts. "Why you!" He growls. I hold them both back. "Knock it off both of you!" I gripe. "She started it! She's nothing but a paranoid controlling jerk!" He shouts, pointing at her. "You are acting like children, stop it." Caroline goes back in my bus after flipping him off. "Get rid of that girl, man, she's nothin' but trouble." He mutters annoyed

Jason's pov

Someone puts a hand on my shoulder. I spin around caught off guard. "Oh uh hey Rachel." I mumble, choked up. I hope she didn't see that fight. "Are you okay?" "Uh y-yeah. Let's um go back to my b-bus. You can meet Miranda, my daughter." She smiles and nods. "I'd love to."

Luke's pov

They go back to Jason's bus and I go back to mine. Caroline as I expected is waiting for me. "You didn't defend me at all!" She shouts. "Well, he was right on most of it. In fact I wish I defended him! You're trying to be controlling. I can have other friends that are girls!" I gripe. I hear Sierra cry. "Look what you did! You woke Sierra!" I grumble, walking back to her room. "Hey sweetheart, it's okay go back to sleep." I say, sitting beside her and rubbing her back. "Can you sing to me daddy?" "Of course angel. What should I sing?" "Anything." I smile. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away." She's sleeping soundly again. I kiss her forehead and cover her with the blanket. I go back out where Caroline still stands waiting. "I am not fighting with you anymore. My daughter is asleep. Either you be quiet or you can get off my bus and did your own way home. My baby girl comes first and I don't like the negativity. I'm breaking up with you!" She looks shocked. "Fine, but know you'll never find anyone better." She growls stomping off. I text Jason telling him I took his advice. He doesn't respond. I wonder how that date is going. Hm.

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