Alot happening

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Jason's pov

Me and Rachel are taking over with Sierra while Lisa and Luke go on their honeymoon. "As long as they don't do wonder twins again." I whisper to Rachel. Sierra smirks. "Shit she heard me." I mutter annoyed. Sierra jumps out of her seat. Miranda soon follows. "Wonder twins?" Miranda asks her. She nods and says, "Wonder twins." Rachel laughs. "Oh come on do it. The girls love it." She says. I sigh. "Oh fine." I mutter. They do the little routine and I play along as usual. Both of them laughing hysterically by the time they're done torturing me. I smile. I love seeing that girl so happy. "Ok girls, bedtime." I grumble, scooping them up and throwing them both over my shoulder. They're laughing again. "Oh my gosh I can't breathe." Sierra gasps. I laugh and put them to bed.

*the next day*

When I get up, both girls are downstairs with Rachel making breakfast. "You can only control uncle Jason with wonder twins, you know that." I hear her say. I sigh and walk in the kitchen. Instantly they smile. "No wonder twins girls, I'm tired." But they don't listen as I pour a cup of coffee. "I think this one time I'm not gonna do it." I gripe, annoyed. "Oh come on don't kill their imagination." Rachel scolds, smirking. "Oh ha ha, you're doing this on purpose. You just want me to make a fool of myself." She laughs. "Jason, you do that anyway!" I roll my eyes. "I command thee to go back to bed!" Sierra says. I'm a little surprised by that. "Really go back to bed?" I ask, making sure. "Yeah you said you were tired." She says. I look over at Rachel. She shrugs, unsure. I smirk and grab her around the waist. "Only if Mrs. Rachel can come too." I say. "But then who will keep an eye on us?" Miranda asks. "Ha ha nice try." Rachel says, shaking her head. "Get a babysitter?" I ask. She nods. "Definitely." She says, kissing me. I fumble for my phone. "I'll call my sister." I say, punching in her number.

Sierra's pov

I tap Miranda's shoulder. "I think your dad and Mrs. Rachel are gonna get married like my daddy and Mrs. Lisa." I whisper. She drops her fork locking eyes with me. "Really? Ya think so?" She asks, open mouthed. I nod, looking at him. He's still talking on the phone. A calm smile on his face. "Yeah I think so." I say, nodding. I hear the click of his phone and suddenly he picks me up, catching me off guard. "What are you trouble makers talking about?" He asks. "Nothing!" I gasp, pinching his nose. He sets me back down. "You guys get ready. You're staying with Aunt Kasi for the day." "Oh but why, dad?" Miranda whines. I elbow her. "Shush!" I hiss. She rubs her arm. I grab her hand. "Ok uncle Jay, love you." I say, hugging him and running off. We go to her room. "He might ask her when we leave today!" "I don't want him to ask her!" She gripes, crossing her arms. "Why not? Don't you like Rachel?" I gape, surprised. She shrugs. "I do sorta but I don't know." She mumbles, scratching her arm. "Don't you want your dad to be happy?"

Jason's pov

I walk by the girls' room when I hear Miranda say, "Of course I do. I just don't like the idea of him getting married." What are they talking about? "Girls, what's going on in here?" I ask opening the door. They both shriek in surprise. "Uh.... You tell him!" Miranda hisses. Sierra glares at her. "What's going on here?" I ask, slightly annoyed now. "Miranda doesn't want you to get married to Mrs. Rachel." Sierra says, pointing at her. "Get married? I'm not.... Getting married to Rachel!" I gasp. "She thinks you are! Like Uncle Luke with Mrs. Lisa." Uh.... How do I tackle this situation? "Sierra go downstairs. I've got to talk to Miranda." She nods and leaves. I close the door. "Are you mad at me?" She says, almost crying. "No of course not hun. But I do have to clear some stuff up. Sweetheart I'm not Uncle Luke. I love Mrs. Rachel and all it's just my main focus is taking care of you. And if you don't want me to marry her, I won't." "But do you want to?" I do. "Do you want me to?" I ask instead, pulling her onto my lap and sitting on her bed. "I don't want a new mom but I want you to be happy." "Sweetheart I am happy with my little girl and my girlfriend." She smiles. "I love you daddy." "I love you too sweetheart." I say, kissing her head. The kids go with my sister. Rachel's standing in the kitchen with her arms crossed. Uh oh. "Hey baby, what's wrong?" I ask. "You love me right?" She counter asks. "Of course I do!" I say, walking over to her. "I heard your little conversation with Miranda." Uh oh. "B-But I still love you! I just have to look out for my daughter! She's insecure and I'm not sure what else I could've said." "So you lied to her?" She gripes. "I.... Guess so.....?" I mumble, unsure. "So you do want to marry me?" This is so hard! "Babe, can we just forget everything I said today?" "Answer the question! Do you love me enough to marry me!?" She shouts furious. I don't know what to say! "Forget it. Your silence says it all." She hisses coldly. Fear grips me in waves. "Don't leave! I do love you baby!" I cry as she walks passed me. I have to do this. Either that or I'll lose her. I can't lose her. I grab her hand. "I do love you enough to marry you!" She pulls her hand free. "Rachel please believe me!" I get down on one knee. "Sweetheart, will you marry me?" She turns back around. "You're only doing it so I won't leave!" "True. But I still want you to say yes!" "Well what about Miranda?" I sigh and stand back up. "She's just gonna have to get over it. I love you honey and I don't want to lose you. So please say yes!" Tears fall down her cheeks. "Okay yes I'll marry you!" She gasps, smiling and hugging me. "I'm sorry baby. Don't ever think I don't love you cause I do with all my heart."

Miranda's pov

I turn over in bed, a bad feeling in my gut. I reach for my hearing aid on the table and as soon as I put it in, I call for Sierra. "What's wrong?" She asks, sitting up. "I don't know. I got a bad feeling." "Ugh go back to sleep. It's probably nothing." She mutters, laying back down. I sigh. She's probably right. I take my hearing aid out again and lay back down.

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