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Sierra's pov

I glare annoyed at the seat my best friend and sister from another mister should be sitting at. I wish I could help her. Mrs. Rachel is teaching us adding. Miranda would love to be here for this. I write everything down to show her when I get home.

Jason's pov

What should I do to make her not so scared of everything? I sigh and sit on the couch as she sleeps in her room. Luke stands by the door. "Maybe I'm not being a good father." "Hey don't say that. That's not true! She just comes from a bad back story. It's not your fault." "What can I do to make it better for her?" "You've done everything you can. She just has to get used to it." He crosses his arms. Rachel and Sierra pull up. "Where's Miranda?" Sierra asks. "Taking a nap. I'll go check on her." I say, heading for the stairs. I open her door and am surprised to see she's not asleep. She's sitting up in bed staring at something but I can't tell what. I walk over and see it's a locket. "What's in that hun?" I ask, sitting in the chair beside her bed. "Mama." She whispers. Does she mean Rachel or Jenny? She shows it to me and it's Jenny. She never forgot her! "Mama told me one thing that I will never forget." She says, staring at it. "What was that?" "Don't forget to remember me. I won't forget her will I? I don't wanna forget!" She whimpers, starting to cry again. I hug her tight. "Of course you won't. Your mama loved you very much and if she could be here you know she would." "Don't let me forget her." "I won't sweetheart I promise." We go back downstairs and Sierra fills her in on what they did in school. I watch the two. The only time she acts normal is around Sierra. It's almost like she's her watch dog. Always watching. Always protecting. If only Miranda could be like that all the time. Rachel holds my hand. "She'll come around." She says. "But what if she doesn't?" I whisper. "She will." She replies.

*the next day*

She's giving school another try today so me and Luke are hanging out at my house. "You remember when you said I should try to get her to forget her mom?" I ask. "Yeah why?" "I'm not gonna do that." "You want her to cry over her?!" "She doesn't want to forget her. She made me promise last night that I wouldn't let her forget. She loves her mom Luke. I can't take that away from her." He sighs and nods. "I guess it's better to feel sad then nothing at all." He says. I nod. My phone rings. It's Rachel. Uh oh. What happened this time? "What's up babe?" "I think you should come to the school. You're gonna flip." Huh? "Good or bad?" I ask, standing up and grabbing my keys. "Very good. Just hurry." "I'm on my way." I get up to the school, Luke riding shotgun. I get to her classroom as quickly as I can and my jaw drops in shock. Her and Sierra are at the front of the class talking about something. I'm not sure what. "What on earth am I seeing?" I gape. "The only time she comes out of her shell is when she talks about you." Rachel says. "Me?" She nods. Sierra looks our way and taps Miranda's shoulder who looks over. I smile as her eyes light up. "There he is now!" She cries, pointing. She runs over, hugging my legs. "What are you tellin' them hun?" "About your job." She says, smiling. Rachel pats my shoulder. It's so great to see her upbeat and happy. She goes back to the front of the room. "And this is the story of the raging cameras told to Mr by my uncle Luke." She says, proudly. I chuckle and sit down to listen as she tells the class about the day I met Rachel. "And our getaway driver was none other than our own beloved Mrs. Rachel." She says, proudly. The class cheers and school lets out. We go to get ice cream to celebrate. Sierra and Miranda wear their capes. "Wonder twins powers activate!" They both say in unison, standing back to back. "Now their under our control." Sierra whispers, holding Miranda's hand. "You will get us waffle cones!" She says in a ghost like voice. "What's the magic word?" I ask, pretending to be hypnotized. They both laugh. "Please get us waffle cones?" My little girl says. I smile. "Yes master." I say, still playing along. "Oh my gosh it worked!" Sierra cries wide eyed. Luke laughs his butt off and I order, glancing back at them when I say waffle cones. They're giggling at the table. I smile as Luke stands beside me. "See you're not a bad dad." He says. "Yeah. I'm a great dad." I joke. We get to the table and I decide to keep up the shannanigan. I sit stock still my ice cream in my hand. "Unlce Jason, why aren't you eating your ice cream?" Sierra asks. "You didn't tell me I could." I reply. They both laugh and Rachel rolls her eyes. "You are no longer hypnotized." Sierra says. I smirk and pretend to be confused. "Huh, what just happened the last five minutes?" The whole table laughs. "Nothing." Miranda says, slyly. We eat our ice cream and get home. Sierra and Miranda decide to have a sleepover at our house. Luke and Lisa come over too. "You were great today." Rachel says, cuddling close to me. I smile and hold her tight. "It was fun. I'm so glad Miranda's coming out of her shell now." The movie we were watching goes off so I put a new one in. I'm a little caught off guard when I hear the sound of the theme song to sweetwater. I just grabbed something. "Well didn't mean to do that." I say, turning around. "What's this?" Rachel asks. "Oh a cowboy movie I starred in. I get killed off so I don't watch it often." "I wanna watch it Jay." Rachel gasps excited. I smile and sit beside her. "Let's see how good an actor you are." She whispers in my ear. "I've been acting our whole relationship." I lie. She stares at me shocked and I laugh. "Acting darling. I was lying just then." "Oh you better be mister." "Oh you know I am baby." I reply, kissing her. Then the scene comes on where I ride in on horseback and shoot the dude running away. "Ooh gives me the chills." Rachel says, shivering. I hold her tighter. "I've got you baby." Luke laughs. "My favorite part in this movie is when the sheriff tears up that nice table of the reverend." He says. The reverend is the bad guy and in the movie, I'm the evil henchman for the bad guy. "You're a bad boy." Rachel whispers. I smirk. "If you want a bad boy, I can be a bad boy." "Oh get a room!" Luke calls, making my face go red. I stand up. "Fine we will." I say, holding a hand out to her. She slips her hand in mine. I pull her to her feet and kiss her. We leave Luke and Lisa in the living room as we go to the bedroom.

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