Growin' Up Too Fast

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Miranda's pov

I go over to Keith's house because I can't stand being in the same house as them right now. Especially how dad won't stop pushing me to talk about it when I don't wanna talk about it. I sit on the couch at his place and curl my legs under myself. He brings me a bowl of popcorn and a coke. "I missed days like these." I say, cuddling up close to him. He wraps an arm around me while we watch a movie. "Me too. I'm glad you're back to being mine again." I smile and tilt my head back where we kiss. "Me too." I whisper against his lips, closing my eyes.

Luke's pov

Sierra comes home crying. "Huh? Sierra!" I gasp. She runs to her room and I follow soon after. "Princess, what's wrong?" I gasp. "I went to surprise Tyler, my boyfriend, when I found him cheating on me in his driveway." She gasps, sobbing. Oh no! I run to my little girl. "That guy's a jerk baby girl. I don't want him dating you anyway." "I'm so mad, I could just punch something!" She yells. I hand her a pillow and she punches it along with my stomach. I make an oof sound in surprise and nearly double over. "Oh oops I'm sorry dad, are you okay?" I nod and force a smile. "Come on hun. We'll go out and get some ice cream to cheer you up." She rolls her eyes. "I'm sixteen dad. I don't wanna go get ice cream!" She snaps, balling her fists again. I jump back as to not get punched again. "Well, it's the twins' birthday party this afternoon. Let's get them a present."

Miranda's pov

Keith was kissing my neck. He slowly undoes the buttons on his shirt. He's such a tease. My phone rings making me squeak in surprise and fall off the couch. I irritatedly answer it. "What's up?" I ask. It's dad. "It's Erica and James' birthday party today. Could you swing by and grab the cake on your way home?" Oh crud I forgot all about that! Keith sits beside me on the floor and was kissing me again, making me giggle.

Jason's pov

"Yeah sure dad, I'll be home soon. Hey stop that!" She says. Huh? "You're at Keith's house right hun?" "Yeah... He uh.... Keeps poking me in the side and I'm about to bop him in the head." She gasps, laughing. Man, teenagers. "Well hurry home okay?" I say. "Sure dad, on my way out the door now, dammit Keith stop it you know I'm on the phone!" "Duh baby that's why I'm doing it." Ugh. "I'm gonna go now." I hang up before she can reply and I put my head on the counter while I sit at the bar in our kitchen. I know for a fact that wasn't what was going on. I'm not stupid. Rachel walks into the room. "You alright?" She asks. "No. I think my daughter might be losing her virginity right now!" "Oh jeez Jay were you a virgin in high school?" "No. But she's my daughter!" I gasp, frustrated. She sits beside me. "You're gonna have to let her grow up. Make her own mistakes and learn from them." I glare at the counter top. "The last time she made a "mistake" I got shot and she almost got raped." I gripe. "Now Jason you know Keith is a good kid." I sigh, covering my eyes with my hands. "I know. I just don't want my little girl growing up." Then the front door slams open and a furious Luke stomps in. "Uh oh. What's wrong?" I ask, standing up. "Sierra's damn boyfriend was screwing around behind her back!" He yells furious. In my opinion it's better than him screwing her but I keep my mouth shut. "Where's my rifle. I'm shooting this fucker sky high!" He growls. "Whoa dude. He's a teenage boy. You can't go shoot a kid!" "He made my Sierra cry. He's gonna get what's God damn comin' to him." "Ok Luke, you need to calm down and breathe." I say, grabbing his arm and making him sit down. "You ain't the only one who has issues with his daughter's boyfriend." I grumble, sitting beside him. "I thought we liked Keith." He says, confused. "Maybe Miranda likes him too much if ya know what I mean." "Oh.... OH! OH jeez! What are ya gonna do?" "Nothing. He's not gonna do nothin'!" Rachel says. I glare at my hands. "I want to though." I mutter. Luke nods to outside so we go out to the porch. I clamp my hands on the wood, furious. "Rachel doesn't really have control over your decisions with Miranda. She's not her mother." "Yeah but she's taken care of her like a mother. It's best not to go against her on this." I mutter. "Jason, do you really want her having sex at sixteen. I made strict ground rules on that. Not until she's 18 for Sierra." My eyes go wide. "You're right Luke!" I get off the porch, heading for my truck. "What are you gonna do?" "I'm gonna kick Keith's ass!" I shout back to him.

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