Chapter 6

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V: Luke

V: Luke!



L: Hi

V: Luke...

L: What did I do?

L: Oh

L: Waiiitttt a moment

L: Oh my god





V: I swear, Luke. You are the most clueless person I know

V: I'm also dying my hair a new color before I come!

L: Noooooo. What color?

V: Guesssss

L: I don't like guessing

V: Well too bad

L: Ughhhhhh I don't know. Blue?

V: •_•

L: What?

V: Are you a stalker? You got it right...

L: Are you serious?

V: Nahhh😂 I'm dying it blonde :-) we can twin!

L: 1. Yay! We will both have blonde hair!
2. You. Put. A. NOSE!

V: Pshhhhh No I didn't

L: Yes you did :-)

V: Nope

L: Yeah, but I'm just really excited to meet you!

V: I know!

L: You should come meet me before the show!

V: Yeah!

L: What time are you leaving?

V: In like, 2 minutes!

L: Oh my god! I'm so excited!

V: I'm getting in the car...

L: I can't wait to see you!

V: We're backing out of the driveway...

L: I'll actually see your face!

V: Call me!

L: Why?

V: Because I want to hear your voice right now cause this seems unreal

L: I'll call you

"Lukey is calling you"

I accepted, and his cheery voice said "HEYYYYY!" "Hey you idiot." "I'm not an idiot." I giggle, and he chuckles."Yeah you are." I look over at Sam who's driving. She's staring at me, and I look at the road. My eyes widened, and I tried to scream."SA-" The impact snapped my head back, and the car flipped at least twice, and landed on the roof. I could barely breath."VIOLET! VIOLET PLEASE!" And after I heard those words, I blacked out.

"Violet?" I heard someone whisper. The voice was familiar, but I didn't know who it was. I opened my eyes, and My eyes squinted at the bright light. I turned my head, and I saw Luke. His face in his hands, and I heard sniffling coming from him."L-Luke?" His head snapped up, and his eyes were red and puffy. He immediately hugged me, and I was shocked.

"Where's Sam?" I asked after the hug. His smile turned to a frown."Luke?" I tried to sit up, but it hurt too much."Don't move, Violet. You broke a rib." Luke says with worry in his eyes. "Where's Sam?" Luke sighs."It's better for you that you don't know." "Luke. I swear to god tell me!" I started screaming."S-she's in really bad condition, V." At the moment, it felt like I couldn't breathe. I started freaking out.

"Violet!" I turned my heads towards Luke."Calm down. Please." I tried calming down, but it almost seemed impossible. I started getting up, and pulling the needles from my body off. "Violet! Stop!" Luke yelled. I pushed him aside, and left the room. My body ached. It hurt so much, but I kept going.

I looked everywhere for Sam, and then I saw her. Her face pale, her body looking weak. I listened to the monitor. She was dying. I started running towards the room, but something pulled me back. I turn around, and Luke stands there with me in his arms."Luke let me go!" I started pounding my fists on his chest. I turn back around."SHE'S DYING LUKE!"

Then, the monitor went flat. She stopped breathing. My body turned ice cold. I fell to the floor, and I didn't even say anything. It felt like my body was numb. She's gone. Gone. I could feel the tears coming down my cheeks, but no sobs or cries escaped my lips. Who was going to tell me it was going to be okay when it felt like it wasn't? Where was I going to stay? Who would tell me things I needed to hear. Just the thought. The thought of her gone.

"Violet!" I focused my eyes to Luke who was crouched in front of me."Are you okay?" "How could I be okay? I saw my friend due I front of my eyes. And-and you stopped my from seeing her. I-I..."?I broke down into tears, and Luke tried to hug me but I pushed him away.


I laid in the hospital bed. Luke keeps trying to talk to me, but I keep ignoring him.

"I- I'm just going to get some food." Luke said before he walked out. I heard whispering coming from outside the room before someone came in."I thought you were going to get food." I said before rolling to see someone else than Luke."When was I Luke?" Michael Clifford. The Michael Clifford."Y-you're Michael C-Clifford!" He chuckles."Yeah. You're Violet. Luke tells us a lot about you. Especially what happened... earlier." My grin turned into a frown.

"I'm sorry. I-" "It's alright, Michael. It happened. It's not like we could forget about it." I play with my thumbs till he says something."Do you want to meet the rest of the guys?" He asks. In my head, I was screaming. On the outside, I just nod.

Michael walks out, and then 2 more other Australian boys walked in. They all had a sympathetic look in their face."Hi." I say, trying not to show my excitement."We heard what happened. We're all really sorry." Ashton says. "I know. Everyone is. It's just that I wanted to say goodbye, but..." I looked at their faces, and they wanted to know why I couldn't say goodbye."But I was stuck here in the hospital room."

I could feel tears coming, and they all gave me a hug. Luke walked in."Did I miss something?" Luke asked. I stayed silent, and all the boys stole his food. "Really? I was here all last night while you guys were at home. I haven't eaten anything and neither has V." I looked at him. He still cares even though I won't even talk to him.

The guys handed back the food, and left the room where there was just me and Luke. He sat down next to me. "I know you're still mad a-" Before he could continue, I hugged him. I started sobbing uncontrollably for the rest of the day, and he was there.

OMG hi! I bet you hate me so much right now! That's the point! XD

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

I need a new cover, and I suck at covers so I was wondering if one of you would make me a new cover. I would really appreciate it!

I gtg so I'll see ya later!

Internet friend l.h ≪book 1≫Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin