Chapter 17

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Luke's POV
(Starting off with Luke?! Omg😱)

I woke up the next day, and my phone was ringing. I climbed out of the bunk, untangling myself from Violet's arms, and answering it."Luke. Get the guys, and tell them we have a meeting. Now." My manager said, and hung up. I sighed. I quickly write Violet a note, and we were off.

We walked up to the building, and headed up to the room. We walked in, and our manager was looking through papers."Go ahead and sit. I'll be done in a minute." We all sat, and he put all the papers in a folder."Alright. This meeting is mostly about Luke." He said. All the other guys looked at me.

"You need to find a way for Violet to break up with you. Cheat on her, break her heart. Anything. You guys got a lot of attention when Luke asked her out. Just imagine how much publicity you'll get when you hurt her." He exclaimed. "There's no way in hell I'm doing that. I care about her so much. Don't think I'll be doing that." I said. I was clearly aggravated."Yeah. Have you seen them together? They care about each other way too much to just be used for publicity. Violet would leave us for good. We all care about her, and you making us do that to her, that's cruel." Michael said."Fine. If you don't do that, I'm dropping you guys." He said. Is guys just looked at each other."Fine." Ashton growled, and walked out.

We followed behind him."WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" I screamed at him."I-I don't know. Our career is important to us!" He defended."Have you ever thought about how important Violet is to me?!" I walked away, and I left all of them behind.

Violets POV

I found another note taped to the side of my bunk saying that they had a random meeting. I sat on the couch most of the time eating chips.

The boys soon walked onto the bus, but Luke wasn't among them."Where's Luke?" I immediately ask."H-he went for a walk." Ashton said, and disappeared into the bunks. I looked at the other guys, but they stayed silent.

I walked off the tourbus, and started calling Luke."Hey." I heard him say. "Hey. Where are you?" I ask."I went for a walk. Wanna join me on an adventure?" He asked."Sure. Where are you?" "Next to this pizza place thing." He replied."Wow. That knocks out so many other pizza places." I sarcastically comment, and he just laughs. I hang up, and started walking.

While walking, Luke started texting me.

L: Hey

V: Hey

L: I'm bored

V: Hi bored, I'm a spork

L: Did you just call yourself a spork?

V: Yeah

L: What's it like being a spork?

V: Very stupid

L: That's nice

V: Like Calum's bum

L: What else is nice ;-)

V: Michael Clifford

L: He's Michael though

V: He has nice hair

L: True

V: I bet you one day he'll go bald

L: Yeah

V: Yeah

L: :-)

V: :)*

L: :-(

V: :(*

L: You're a dork

V: I'm your dork

He suddenly didn't reply

V: Luke?

L: Oh sorry. Ordering pizza

V: Of course you are

L: I like food

V: I live for food

L: Food is better than you

V: *gasps* Oh n- Oh wait. I don't care:)

L: Well, that's rude

V: Not as rude as your face.

L: That made no sense

V: Your face makes no sense

L: You're so weird

V: Like you're not?

L: True

V: I see you

L: I see a red trash can

V: Well that's so very nice of you

L: I know

I look up from my phone, and Luke is standing there with a toothy grin. I hug him, and he kisses me."Hello stranger." "Hello trash can."

We almost finished our pizza, and Luke has been making horrible puns."Are you ready to go?" He asked."Nice. Red like my hair. That pun was so cheesy." I say."Oh, you're so puny." He said, and we laugh."There is something wrong with our puny jokes." I laugh."We are such dorks." He says, and I agree."I love you." He says randomly."I love you too, dork." I say, and he told me to get on his back. I jump on, and he starts sprinting down the sidewalk, almost knocking over innocent pedestrians.

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