The Institute

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As I swung my legs over my bed, and holding a hand to protect my eyes from the sun, I woke up in the strange hospital. What had professor Jason called it? The Mystica Institute? My mind played back to yesterday...

"You have to stay here for a while. Because you can't possibly travel back." Professor Jason told me, sipping from another pineapple smoothie.

I glared at him, and snapped back,"You better let me go back right now! My dad told me that he would be going back the day you brought me here. If he knows about this, he will angry with you for kidnapping me like this!"

Professor Jason just kept shaking his head, not replying me.

So, here I was, stuck here until that 'a while' ended. I put on the shirt that had their logo on it, and decided that probably escaping into the jungle would be my best bet. What would they do to me when I was here? Was I was a human guniea pig for them to use their weird experiments on? I wanted to escape, but hesitated. What if there was something even worse was out there?

I pushed the negative thoughts out of my head. I grabbed my bag with my essentials in it that I had prepared the previous night from the lampside table. I drew in a deep breath then jumped out of the open window.

I felt my feet hit the ground, sending a earth-shattering shock rippling through me, knocking the wind out of me. I only jumped from the second floor window, but the impact hit me like a train. I recovered, leaning against the wall of the Institute, catching my breath.

I started off, leaving the Institute behind me.

The ShapeshifterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora