We will...

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I shapeshifted into a wolf and stealthily followed them out of the hole. I shapeshifted along the way, wanting to warn Luke before they came. "Who are you?" The girl called Emily asked Luke.

Luke was as a human, and Emily was on TOP of him in wolf form. "I'm... I'm... A shapeshifter! Please don't hurt me!" Luke put up his hands to shield himself from anything the wolf would do.

They pinned him down to the ground, asking him, "Why are you here? Don't you know this place is inhabited by strange monsters?"

Luke was in shock, I could tell that he was afraid. And if I didn't help him soon, they might kill him. Even worse, they might kill me too. We would die, unaccomplishing our mission, with Sirius still at large, ruling over the world with an iron fist and everyone would be under his control, and the person everyone thought to be the hero would not be one, and the world be disappointed with me. I was the supposed hero. But I couldn't even prove myself to be worthy of praise or recognition. I could not even save my friends, much less save the world from Sirius.

I jumped out from my hiding place, and said,"We're shapeshifters. I was in the cave just now. I heard you wanted to get in Yuuri to defeat Sirius. I know that you all will make good allies, and I wish to band together with your gang to defeat Sirius. We want to defeat Sirius too. We could make a great team."

They all snapped their heads around to look at me, then they smiled and Emily opened her mouth and replied,"Sure. We shall be a team."

Now, looking back at what I did a day ago, I regretted my decision. Now with more members in our gang, we seemed to have a harder time making decisions. Emily seemed to be the leader, always making the important decisions that I myself thought that I had a better idea. We had spent a whole day depending on what to do, and now with a day of planning, we had a rough idea of how to get in the castle and to foil Sirius' plans.

Hello readers! I have written a fairly short chapter and I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long for my new chapter. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Thank you for helping me to achieve 500 reads! 😋

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