Finding out the meaning

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I woke up, startled, scared, and panting heavily. I felt sleepy. I had woken up many times in the night, and I now felt exhausted, and I climbed slowly out of bed, stared at the open window, made a quick decision to jump outside to escape, a third time.

I walked slowly through the dense jungle, which had leaves littering the entire forest floor. I laid down underneath a big tree near my room, and soon enough, I fell into a deep sleep.

I must've slept for quite a while, and I must've slept deeply, because when I woke up, I was nowhere near the Institute, and I was with Sirius. I had seen Sirius in my dreams, and I had grown wary of him. If my dreams were real, then I would have to fight against him in the end, and I would've to kill him. I cringed at the thought of killing someone, even though karate was kind of like learning how to kill someone. I knew plenty of karate moves and could kill him right now, but I ruled out the option of doing that as Sirius might turn out to be an awesome fighter and might shoot me to death with a gun or slice me into half with a sword before I could inflict any damage on him, and I wouldn't want to die right now right here in the middle of nowhere, and I had to defeat Sirius, not die from him, if that happened, it might change the course of the future, and besides, he didn't know that I knew that I was his enemy, and just saying that jumbled up my brain and was like saying a tongue twister.

I looked at Sirius, who was now tending to his drooling pet. I stood up and asked him,"How did I get here?"

Sirius turned around and smiled. "Finally you are awake! You were asleep for about three hours already! I was starting to worry if you were dead!" I set my mouth in a grim line, glaring at Sirius. I wanted to kill him, what I would do eventually, as I recalled what happened in my first dream. From that first dream, I had learnt that Sirius had done something terrible, something that should never be forgiven and forgotten.

Sirius raised one eyebrow, somehow intrigued by my expression. "Why didn't you pull me out just now? Why didn't you save me from being captured? I saw you there, Sirius, but why didn't you save me?" I yelled at him, angry at his betrayal that day.

He stole a quick glance at me before starting to pace back and forth, thinking hard about my question. "So you want answers, huh? Well, I'll give them to you." Sirius answered suddenly, turning his body to face me to reveal something that looked like Sirius at all. Something terrible.

Sorry, readers for taking forever to update and I hope that you like this short chapter. I would also like to give a shoutout to two people, CushyPaupau and @cat_tastical. I hope you will check out their awesome books! Bye for now and I will update the next chapter soon! 😆😀

The Shapeshifterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें