The empty Institute

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Sirius and I flew on the majestic and powerful but still disgusting Griffin. Out of nowhere it would send its spit flying into my face. Sirius, as I could see, loved Dagger way too much. He even told me not to insult it. I wanted to say,"Sirius! It's an animal! And it could possibly kill you! But you are still protective of it?" Instead I glared at him, rolling my eyes and sighing at Sirius.

Sirius said that I would going to his place to train to be a better shapeshifter. Two people had said they were going to tell me the truth, but only one person was really taking action to help me. In your face, professor Jason! I suddenly felt a stab of guilt as I held tightly into the Griffin's red feathers. I had not gone back to help Luke and Jessica to escape. But I had promised, I knew I had to keep my promise. I wonder what professor Jason was making them do back there. Maybe he was punishing them for helping me to escape into possible 'danger'. All the danger I had found was Sirius, and he wasn't any danger at all. He was even helping me!

Even though I felt kind of safe with Sirius, I still felt unsure somehow. Like how I should not have went along with Sirius and ask for the truth and ask him many questions. I decided against it as Sirius seemed very engrossed in this moment of flying, yelling happily and waving one arm around in the air like you would do at a rollercoaster ride. I gripped Dagger's feathers so tight that my knuckles started turning white.

I had an idea. Maybe Sirius would want to help my friends then he could use the Griffin to swoop in and save them. I leaned over to Sirius and whispered to him about my idea. He had a bewildered expression on his face for a while, but he soon smiled again. He agreed and he steered the Griffin around and we flew off in the direction of the Institute, traveling through the pitch black sky.

When we reached the Institute, I saw the lights of the Institute flashing in blue, green and silver, just like when I was there. I could see little specks of black as we neared the Institute. As we got nearer and nearer, I saw the detailed features of someone's holiday hat, painted with different colors of the rainbow. That had to be professor Jason's hat. I had seen him wearing that hat the first time I met him. However, I didn't see anyone walking around, or in the usual rush to serve food to the many professors, scientists and guards that usually were in the area.

Sirius came in for the landing, and he jumped off the Griffin with the grace of a ballet dancer. He told me,"We don't have much time. Where are your so called 'friends'?" I pointed towards the rooms over at the other side of the cafeteria. Those, I knew, were their rooms at the Institute since they had introduced me before.

I knocked on the door, and I guessed that Luke would open it, panda-eyed and with eye bags, asking me why I took so long to come to help them escape. Instead, I had no reply. I knocked harder this time, sure that Luke would hear my knock and wake up and answer the door. I turned the knob and the door opened. I peered into the dark room, but I did not see Luke. I opened the door to Jessica's room and had the same result. I turned to Sirius who was standing protectively next to his Griffin, and told him sadly,"They're not here."

Sirius shook his head and motioned for me to get on the Griffin. I sat behind Sirius, and we took off yet again, this time with a mission to find Luke and Jessica.

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