Second escape attempt

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Have you ever had the feeling that your throat had gotten twisted and the feeling of the whole world around spinning like you are running in a hamster ball? Well, that is the feeling when you just got knocked out and just woke up for two hours.

My head throbbing, I rubbed the temples of my forehead and let out a piteous moan. I sat up in the same 'ward' that the Institute had provided for me.

I tried to recall what just happened, but whenever I tried, the excruciating pain in my head stopped me. My memory of what had just happened was a blur, and I could only remember Mr. James ugly face grinning at me while pointing a stun gun at me and then my world plunging into darkness.

I walked out of my room, still wearing the disgusting white robe that looked like my mum's bath robe that again the Institute had provided. Couldn't the Institute provide better clothes? I had decided to play along with the Institute for now when I woke up a few hours ago. Maybe I would be able to escape if they thought that I was not going to escape again.

Continuing to rub my temples, I made it to the cafeteria, or called the Eatery. I looked at the giant spread of food on the long table and my mouth watered. I sat down and started to feast on the delightful food. Professor Jason put his hands on my shoulders and smiled. "Looks like you are the first one up! Enjoying the food?" He asked.

I jumped out of skin. He had to learn to stop doing that. He could make me have a heart attack. I slowly turned around and replied softly,"Yes."

After a few more hours of me and my friends doing some target practice with a bow and arrow, I spotted my chance. I noticed that we were standing in a wide field with no electric fences, and no guards. But not professor Jason. He was sitting on a bench not far away watching us with lazy eyes and probably reading our thoughts.

If Luke and Jessica could make a diversion to get professor to stop staring at me specifically, I could have a small chance to escape. I told Jessica and Luke, and they agreed, even though Jessica was a bit annoyed that she could not escape with me. I reassured her that I could come back to help them escape too.

"Ah! My ankle!" Jessica shouted suddenly after our short discussion. She limped towards professor Jason and collapsed on him, not allowing him to see me. Luke was yelling and jumping around, flailing his arms like a wild chicken. I turned around and ran as fast as my legs could take me. Not bragging or anything, but I think I ran like two kilometers away from the Institute during the next eight minutes. I, of course, was an excellent long distance runner as well.

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