Luke or Jessica?

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I ran swiftly as I shapeshifted into a horse and galloped into the Institute. Sirius was still at large, so I had to keep track of my friends. Sirius was, as I had read in the book of monsters, was called the Taker, the ultimate leader and captain of The Gray. The members of The Gray were different monsters, some boogeymen and some were hydras, but Sirius was said to be all of those creatures conbined, the most powerful of them all.

I ran into the cafeteria, and heaved a sigh of relief when I saw Luke and Jessica practicing how to shapeshift. I was about to tell them about Sirius, and as they turned around to wave at me, the many lights of the Institute shut off all at once. I heard a disembodied voice laugh maniacally. My eyes widened. "Sirius." I whispered. No! This was too soon! I had to get my friends away from the danger!

Soon enough, Sirius, now a hydra, stomped I into the cafeteria, crushing the doors as he reared his eight heads at us. Jessica screamed and Luke started to run away, but I yelled for them to stay together. Us three ran out of the cafeteria, and Luke led us through all the corridors, which he memorised during his stay at the Institute. I was very impressed. Only I had remembered how to go to the cafeteria from my room and back.

We ran out into the open field, and instantly noticed that there was an electrical fence blocking us, trapping is, making us sitting ducks for Sirius. When all hope seemed lost, Jessica whipped out her mini computer and her fingers flew across the keyboard, typing in row after row of digital commands to the electrical fence. After a few seconds of being mesmerised by Jessica, the electric fence shut down and we opened the electric door that originally was charged with five hundred volts, enough to kill twenty men, and Tan out into the dense wilderness.

I had not seen professor Jason or any of the guards that were normally patrolling ever inch of the Institute, which was odd. I had thought that at least the Institute would put up a fight against Sirius. I asked Luke and Jessica about it, stopping frequently to catch my breath. Luke explained to me,"They sent out a search party for you, then professor Jason went out in search of the Gray, and the rest of the guards were to stay behind to guard the Institute."

"Then where are those guards that stayed behind?" I asked, breathing normally again.

This time, when Luke opened his mouth to answer, Jessica cut in and answered for him,"They were called to assemble in the hall, by a voice that I didn't recognise, but the guards still went to the hall. Shortly after, the hall was filled with screams of the guards and then, suddenly, the hall grew deathly silent. Luke and I crept slowly towards the hall, intrigued by the sudden change of noise, only to find nothing but blood on the floor. The only thing we did find on the floor was a single, bloody hand." She finished with a smile, like she was telling a ghost story and was satisfied when people reacted by screaming out loud. Luke and I didn't say a word.

I silently calculated what would happen if Sirius ate all those people. And as I thought, I heard someone's hurried footsteps. I motioned for none of us to make a sound, and we inched closer towards the footsteps. And as we turned around, we saw a man with a guard's suit, and recognised that person as the guard who had guarded me the first day I got here. His suit was smeared with blood, and he had his gun pointed at us, and then he slowly lowered his gun, and spoke in a hurried tone,"We have to get out of here. Professor Jason is right this way." Luke and Jessica followed closer behind he guard, but I sensed something was wrong with that particular guard.

I didn't hear the Hydra anymore, which meant that the guard was actually... Jessica's screaming distracted my train of thoughts, and I snapped my head around like a snake lunging for its meal, and saw Sirius change from a guard back into a hydra, and he roared at us,"So you thought you could escape? You're dead wrong!" His eyes blazed with fury, and he charged at Luke with his body as his eight heads snapped at Luke. Luke took out a freeze gun, an unstable prototype that was supposed to be able to shoot real ice at the enemy, and if you switched the gun to freeze mode, it was capable of freezing anything. Luke had created the gun during a session that was supposed for us to 'unleash our creativity' to create a weapon that would help in battle. All I had come up with was a fireball gun, and it was in my pocket. It fired actual fireballs, and I whipped it out at aimed at the hydra.

The gun whirred and the gun grew bigger and concentrated heat at one point, which grew into a fireball, and I released the fireball, which flew at the hydra. It hit one of the hydra's eight heads, and the two heads near it were lit on fire, and Sirius tried to get rid of the fire growing rapidly on its heads, and Luek made good use of my distraction and ran back towards me, and he pulled out the freeze gun, switched it to freeze mode, and freezed three of the hydra's heads. Luke and I exchanged high fives, and we were about to celebrate when we both noticed that Jessica was... MISSING.

Hallo readers! Hope you liked this new chapter! What do you think happened to Jessica? Find out in the next chapter! I would like to give a shoutout to Dragonswings and please check out this person's book. I'm sure you will like her book! Bai for now, readers, and I will probably update the next chapter soon! :)

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