Operation: Shapeshifter Protocol

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The new gang had posed some issues, but now we finally felt like a team. The new shapeshifters were two girls and three boys, consisting of Emily, the leader, Lucas the unicorn, Pauline the shy girl, Mark the more-brawn-than-brains guy, and finally the guy I heard talking in the cave, Alex, who had better leadership qualities than anyone else in his gang. We got along well together, and I felt confident after hearing him rehearse the entire plan. Now, standing on a hill looking down at Yuuri, I had some doubts. What if we were too late? Would Sirius have already reached Yuuri? What if he had gathered his troops already to kill us? Lots of thoughts circulated in my brains and I looked up at the sky, a habit that I had gotten since I was a kid, and I would stare at the clouds long and hard, wishing for the sky to tell me the answer. I had always found the sky comforting.

Staring up at the sky, I heard a distant caw from above. A Griffin flew through the clouds, leaving the shape of its body forever etched in the clouds. I recognised the man on the Griffin, and I whispered, barely loud enough for everyone to hear,"The target is in the air. I had a visual. He's on the Griffin. Time to put Operation: Shapeshifter Protocol in action."

I thought what I had said would get everyone to leap up and rush towards the castle, only one objective in mind, which was to defeat the target. Instead, disappointingly, everyone just stares at me, as if expecting me to say more. When I felt like getting all angry and yelling my head off at the rest of them, Alex stood up and yelled,"You all heard what he said! What are you all waiting for?"

With that, everyone shapeshifted into different animals and approached the castle, travelling at high speeds. With the wind whipping me across the face, I lunged forward, stride after stride on four paws, driven by the fact that I would accomplish what I came here for after all. I looked up and saw Alex, shapeshifted into a dragon, and making good use of his size to distract the Yuuri people. The people I had seen wearing the black hooded jackets were even yelling at him, while the rest of the Yuuri villagers just spectated the sudden change in the sky.

I dodged the black clad figures rapidly as I speeded towards the castle. I stopped suddenly and howled, announcing that it was clear for the rest of the Mission to proceed. We had studied the castle very carefully, and if we were correct, then Sirius had a magic crystal that could only be destroyed by a shapeshifter in a wolf form. Emily and I were sent to destroy the crystal, the rest to distract and to help defeat the many guards that were patrolling the entire castle.

The six of us, united as a team, ran into the castle without hesitation. I heard shrieks and battle cries as I heard Luke as an eagle take out the guard on our right and Pauline as a Unicorn take out another guard. As we advanced through the castle, our numbers started to decrease until we reached the top level of the castle, where the crystal was supposed to be hidden. Emily and I searched the entire room throughly, all when we were in wolf form. I found the crystal behind a huge tapestry that hung down from the ceiling. I held the crystal in my hand cautiously as I slowly backed out from inside the tapestry. "I found it." I said to Emily, not taking my eyes off the crystal. The crystal was filled with a thousand colors, some not even seen by any human before. They swirled around the crystal, and Emily stood next to me and stared at it in awe. "Well, I'm so sad that such a wonderful item has to be destroyed, but it must happen," I muttered underneath my breath.

I gently laid the crystal on the ground, then raising my front paws up, ready to smash the glowing orb to smithereens, when Emily pushed me off balance. I fell to the floor and looked at Emily, confused at what she had done. She pounced on me, pinning me to the ground and not letting me complete my task. "I'm sorry, David, but I have to do this. She swiped my head with my paw and the world went black. The last thing I remembered was the sight of Emily's furry paw arching down towards me.

I would like to thank everyone who has followed me and reads my books! :) This is the part were you see the betrayal come out in the story. I'm planning on writing another book. Thanks for reading and see you guys later! 🙂😆

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