The Gray

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Sirius looked like a freak of nature, his human face splitting into four parts and sharp teeth appearing on his face and around his mouth. He also had slimy tentacles sprouting out of his arms, and he grew a snake tail and slithered closer and closer to me. When he spoke, his voice was filled with hatred and lots of 's' noises.

"How dare you question me, Sirius, the leader of the Gray? I have played your games for too long a time now. I should have just ate you when I had the chance and use your power to shapeshift into different things. But now, standing here, I feel nothing but hatred growing for you!" Sirius yelled. I backed away, taking two steps backward at a time, keeping my eyes on Sirius, and trying to know what moves that he would do with his new body.

I knew I had to be swift, so I turned around quickly and sprinted away. I thought I would have made it and be safe, until... Sirius raised a slimy tentacle and wrapped into around my ankle, making me trip and lose all of my momentum. He held me up with ease, and lowered me slowly into his gigantic
mouth, filled with sharp teeth that even a Great White would be scared of. But I had actually predicted this in my dream. To be more specific, in my first dream. The memory of the dream was vague, but I could try to remember it.

I suddenly remembered the dream, and I squeezed the suckers on his tentacle which was holding me up above his head, and he screamed with pain and dropped me. Which was good, except that I would die in a few seconds since his mouth was wide open like a goldfish. I thought about an animal, a mythical creature that would help me win this battle with Sirius. I quickly shapeshifted into a dragon and flew up, then using my dragon breath, I breathed flames onto Sirius, and he became into human form and took off swiftly with his Griffin.

I flew as a dragon back to the Institute, still a little shaken from the experience. I had not expected that to happen so soon, and that would have to mean that our final showdown would also happen soon, but I thought about what Sirius said, then maybe he had eaten a lot of things to become a mixture of all of them.

Which meant that if the dream was true, then that meant that someone, a shapeshifter like me, would have been devoured by the disgusting creature, but I hated to think that one of my new friends had to die. I barely knew them, yet I broke my promises to them and also escaped on my own.

I had to stop Sirius, before he killed and ate any of my friends. These were probably the only friends I had so far in my whole life, and I wasn't prepared to lose them.

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