Emily the betrayer

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I woke up to an excruciating pain in my neck. I was lying down on the cold floor of a jail cell. I heard someone slam the bars of the cell and cursed silently,"Stupid bars. With my shapeshifter powers I can't even get out." I lifted my head slowly and looked at the dark figure of a person standing beside me. It was Alex.

I tried to sit up but groaned in pain as the pain in my neck spread to the rest of my body and my whole body seemed to ache painfully. Alex turned away from the iron bars at my sound and crouched down beside me and told me,"Don't get up. You're already looked extremely bad."

I looked at the cold, hard, dull ground and muttered,"You aren't making me feel any better you know." Alex rolled my body so that I was facing up, then rolled my eyes at me.

"If you want to get out of here, you'll need to recover. Quick."

I tried to sit up and succeeded, and the pain started to slowly ebb away, and I felt something like a steady current pulsing through my veins, helping me to regain my strength. I saw that Alex had a amber colored stone in his necklace that he always hung around his neck, and then he pressed it to the wounded areas of my body, and I felt that strange feeling again. It was probably a healing stone, the last one left in the entire world. I stood up, and started to pace around the cell, already working through the possible methods of escaping. I heard other people around my jail cell grunting in pain and I instantly knew that they were my friends, part of the gang we used to be.

I still was confused at why Emily had done such a thing to me. I didn't think she would be THAT stupid to hand me over to Sirius for a gift, maybe a gift of power, when she obviously knew that Sirius would betray her. If I were her, I would have been long gone running away from Sirius from the day that Sirius stepped into Mystica. I felt angry, and that anger drove me to try to push the bars until the bars were big enough for me and Alex to pass through.

I started to push against the bars, and I thought that I would get away, when I heard a squeaking of a door when it was opened. I heard someone laughing and loud footsteps echoed through the dungeon that we were in. Then I heard another set of footsteps, a set of smaller, and lighter footsteps and recognised them as Emily's. The footsteps got louder and louder and everyone in the jail cells all went quiet. It was complete silence for a while until Emily walked in front of my cell, gestured to me, and Sirius, the person who you would least expect to win a beauty competition, shapeshifted into a hydra right in front of our eyes. "Look at you! All of you trying to escape. Did you all really think your pathetic plan was going to work? I had Emily here, a shapeshifter, reporting to me all this while! Well, I have to say, Emily, you could have done a better job of creating a better plan. You could have told all of your comrades to just ambush me on my Griffin! Never mind, back to the point. I see David, the most capable of them all, looking defiantly back at me. Maybe I should eat him first. I sure am hungry."

Emily started to open the jail cell and she forced me to walk out, and she chained my hands together, then closed the door. This is it. To think that my dream would actually come true was stupid. Joining this gang was stupid. Now I have to find a way to get out of this. Emily walked me down the long and dark hallway. And on the steps that led to Sirius' office, Emily stopped and pulled me over. Sirius was still in the dungeon, so he couldn't hear our sneaky conversation. "David, I'll help you to escape. Go down this hallway, turn right, then hop on the nearest Griffin and fly away. I know shapeshifters can communicate with mythical creatures, and I want you to leave now. I'll save your friends later." Emily told me, unlocking the chain that bonded my hands together.

"But you'll get yourself killed!" I replied, worried for Emily, the person that at this point, you thought you would never be worried about. Emily shook her head, then hastily looking over her shoulder, she thrust a bottle of a mysterious concoction inside.

"Sirius had stolen all of your powers, but they are stored in the bottle. Leave, then return, when you are stronger. I know you can defeat Sirius." Emily explained quickly, with a hint of worry in her voice. She pushed me toward the hallway, and I nodded.

I ran as fast as I could down the hallway, looking over my shoulder occasionally to check for Sirius. I turned right and I hopped on a Griffin and flew away, with the people in black clad hoodies shouting at me, who I understood to be the Gray.

I would follow what Emily said. I lived to fight another day, and later I would have to return, drink the potion and defeat Sirius once and for all. It wasn't over yet. The fight still was on.

Hello readers! I really have nothing to say here so I guess I'll just say that I'm super happy that you guys are reading my book till this stage! Thank you, readers! Enjoy my book! :) 😆

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