Chapter 10: Rain

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Lucy's P.O.V.

Drip, Drip, drop.

Or so that's what Juvia would have told me.

I looked through the wet window by leaning over the pink couch. Right now I was at the lounge room. The room filled with a magical sense of yellow, it was so grand and big. Long glass tables and couches were arranged in a circle, so that everyone could talk to each other. A big chandelier hung on the ceiling. Maybe this why when I first was introduced to the loungeroom , I couldn't help but promise myself thay I'll hang around here everyday during my stay. It's so spacious but warm, I could let all my worries disappear.

Even so that was the case, I was actually admiring the rain. Underwater, everytime it rains, we can only go up to a certain point to see the water drops landing on the surface of the water. After all, it was against the Law to even stick your head out of the water. The council and my father is very protective about our safety- but I was able to get away with it, causing a lot of trouble for myself...

I shoved the thought away and decided to think about the happy times. I moved a bit in my couch to look more clearly at the rain.

Drip, Drip, drop huh...

Juvia held my hand as we swam up to the border. The border was just this red, magic, sparkling line flowing in one straight line across the sea. Juvia smiled at me and said,

"it's time."

At first I didn't know what she was talking about; she just pulled my hand excitedly while I was talking to Levy-chan. But as I opened my mouth to speak, I heard little sounds coming from the surface. like someone tapping on a door, tapping faster and faster every second. I looked up and saw the wonderful scene. Little droplets were touching the surface of the water, splashing.

"Drip, Drip, drop," Juvia started to talk again, " that's the sound Juvia hears from the rain. Juvia always comes up here once Juvia sense the gray sky above us. Even though Juvia isn't allowed to touch it, even though Juvia can't poke her head out of the water to see how it actually looks like, Juvia always feels that the rain is always beside her. Juvia wants you to experience the same thing, or even experience more."
She looked up at the surface.
" It's unfair that the humans get to experience the real thing, but Juvia guesses we also have our own share."
I was shocked to see how much she cares for her sisters and the rain. I hugged her and she looked surprised at my action.

"Juvia," I began to talk, "I promise you that if we are ever able to go out and see the rain, we'll experience the first time together."

She smiled with tears in her eyes,
"Thank you."

The tears of joy blended in with the water, and I'm sure I felt a sense of magic around us.

--end of Flashback---

Before I knew it, tears were streaming down my eyes.

No... I broke my promise... I couldn't experience the rain with her...

I began to cry and wail. Natsu suddenly slammed the door open and ran towards me.

"Lucy!" He shouted as he held my shoulders, "are you ok?!"

"Juvia.. I i-i broke her promise.." I mumbled. He didn't know what I was talking about, obviously, but he hugged me anyways. He just sat there with me in silence, waiting for me to calm down.
When I stopped crying, he pulled back and smiled at me.
"I love the happy side of you better. Can you please trust me and smile for me? I promised I'll make your days happier."

I stared at his radiant face for quite some time before flashing back a smile at him.


I now know that whenever I'm sad, Natsu is always there for me.

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