Chapter 26: It Starts off with a fight

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*1 hour before Lucy wakes up*
Natsu's P.O.V
"God dammit, this is way worse than I thought it would be," Gajeel cursed to himself before throwing another attack at the merman in front of him. The merman swiftly dodged and attacked back. Gajeel ducked and slammed his sword against his.

If you're wondering how the merman was moving with just a tail as his legs, a mermaid in the ocean was supporting him with her water powers. She covered his bottom half and helped him move swiftly wherever he wanted. It was quite impressive for the mermaids to be as supporters for the mermen.

The mermaid moved the merman upwards, making Gajeel have a disadvantage and kneel to the ground with no place to move.
I quickly jumped and did a fly kick at the merman, but he was only brought up back to his position. At least this gave the chance for Gajeel to get back up on his feet.

"Thanks, man," Gajeel smirked before charging at the merman again.
I picked up my sword that I dropped before doing the fly kick. I looked around and more than half the soldiers were on the floor--not moving. A small shiver went down my spine seeing this.

Suddenly I felt someone charge behind me and I dodged. It was another merman- he had a red tattoo on his right eye and blue hair.

"How sneaky of you to try and attack me from behind," I commented, smirking at his actions. The merman shrugged,

"It would have been the easiest way to cut you down."

I laughed at his attitude before attacking at him back. He ducked down and slashed his sword against my pivoted leg. I grunted in pain as I fell and dropped my sword. Easily, he immediately grabbed my sword after it dropped with his water powers. It was all so quick that I didn't have the time to register what was happening. My leg got cut and I let my own sword go in the hands of my opponent.

"What happened to your armor, Hm?" He mocked a little. Well, truth be told, at first Gajeel and I were prepared to attack with our horses, but the horses were flooded away. So that left us with walking and running away from crashing waters. Yet that left us with having to move around in heavy armor. Wearing gold armor seemed strong at first but now it's just stupid. So I took it off.

"Well, anyways, it seems the water power training came into use," The merman snickered to himself as the sword landed in his hand.

"Wha..." I breath out, what does he mean? Training?
I shook the thoughts away and got up on my feet. I couldn't just give up from a wounded leg. I ran, as much as it hurts, and punched him in the stomach. That's if he even had any inside. Seriously, air bubble food?

The merman choked out the blood from his mouth, grunting in pain as he held his stomach. He wiped away the blood and smirked,

"Boy you sure know how to punch," He commented. I chuckled and smirked back,

"It's only because you have my sword."

The blue-haired merman held a sword in both of his hands,
"I guess it'll come to use then," he charged forth towards me before--


The mermen and I look toward the voice that stopped us.

It was a mermaid with beautiful Scarlet hair. She had a sword in her hand and her eyes were full of determination.

The blue haired merman looked at the mermaids with full shock in his own eyes,
"Pr-Prince---....!" The mermaid stopped him with her hand slapping against his mouth. "Ow..." He mumbled to himself and rubbed against the sore spot.
Huh... Princess...?

If only I wasn't a mermaid ~a NaLu fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now