Chapter One

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Disclaimer: I do not own the House of Night or the original character/theme. They are the sole product of P.C and Kristen Cast. Roxanne isn't going to be introduced until next chapter.  Hope you guys enjoy. >>>>>>>>Picture of Erik in sidebar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Erik never thought he’d be here. Setting in the court yard where they just laid Jack’s body to rest. Jack was one of the only people to truly get him. They easily became friends and even when everything went bad with Zoey, Jack still was there for him. Jack and Damien were among the select few to try and understand how Erik felt. Jack and Damien where the most forgiving and caring people he knew. To think that Neferet could do this not only to Damien and the gang, but the whole school was unfathomable. Everyone loved Jack because, he was loving and warm. You could feel the love and power of Nyx working through Jack.

Sometimes Erik really needed to be reminded that Nyx was still there. He felt her through Jack and now that he was gone what was he going to do. So many things had happened since Erik first came to the house of night. He lost his mentor and teacher. He fell in love once and was burned twice. He got the deal of his life to go and teach in L.A, but was marked as a tracker. It was almost ironic how miserable his life was, and just as he couldn’t imagine it getting worst Jack is murdered.

He couldn’t believe this but he was quickly slipping from Nyx’s grace. He didn’t love Nyx the same, and he didn’t want it to be that way. Every night he found himself in the goddess’s temple praying, ranting, hoping she give him a sign that she had some grand plan for him. How could it be that Neferet was so evil and yet have so much pull and power? Was Nyx truly powerless against darkness? What does she want from me? ”Oh, Nyx what do you want from me?” He asked as he cried under the oak tree by her statue.

“Erik,” Damien said placing a hand on Erik’s shoulder, “Is everything okay?” he asked. Damien was still pale and his eyes were red and puffy like he had just stopped crying.

“Yeah, I should be asking you that,” he lamely smiled at him. Damien was a mess and it was Erik’s job to pick up the gang’s slack. Jack would want me to. “I thought you were staying in the depots with everyone else?”  

“I am, I just forgot some of Jack’s things I really want to look after. I also wanted sometime alone it helps,” he smiled.

“Everyone’s just trying to look after you. They really don’t know what to say or do,” Erik said offering Damien a seat next to him on the bench. “If you want I could keep some stuff in my apartment. And if you want to crash on the couch or need anything just ask,” he said and Damien just nodded.

“It didn’t really feel like he was gone until I saw everyone here last night, how about you?” Damien asked and it was weird. Damien lost Jack and a more profound why then he did, yet that didn’t matter to him.

“It’s hard with everything else that has been going on it’s just more no one really needs especially you and Z,” Erik said running his fingers roughly through his hair. “I don’t know how Nyx expects Z to deal with everything.”

“Are we talking about Zoey Redbird, because I’m sure she can deal just fine? If this is about your faith dilemma you can talk to me. I know it was something between you and Jack, but he did tell me,” Damien said as if it was nothing wrong with questioning Nyx.

“I know I shouldn’t be questioning her it’s just really hard not to. I understand why Z shattered. Life sucks for everyone right now.”

“Erik, it’s normal to question your faith everyone does it. I’m sure Nyx hasn’t forsaken you. Look at what she just did for Stevie Rae and Rephaim. She believes in love and forgiveness. I’m sure she’ll forgive you for losing faith for a bit,” Damien said rubbing Erik’s back.

Forgotten/Someone Like You {An Erik House of Night FanFic}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ