Chapter Eleven

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“Some people have no shame,” Erin said as we got off the bus. She and Kramisha were staring out into the parking lot at a couple gruesomely making out. It looked like they were about to do it out in the open.

“There’s nothing wrong with being frisky,” Aphrodite said holding on to Darius who just grinned.

“PDA is against school policy for a reason,” Erin said making faces at Aphrodite who was now swallowing Darius’s tongue.

“I think I’m going to lose my breakfast,” Stark said making vomit noises.

“Jealous much,” Aphrodite said, then sent and apologetic glance at me when she notice my red face. “Sorry Z.”

“Hey guys,” Erik waved at us.

“Speaking of barfing,” Aphrodite said making Stark laugh.  

“Be nice,” I whispered.

“Hey Erik,” Stevie Rae smiled and waved. It was weird how nice they were being to each other. Meanly him, Erik was his old self again, and it was a little creepy.

“Why are you guys just standing around?” he asked.

“There was this couple virtually doing it in the parking lot, like not even three seconds ago,” Erin said giving Kramisha the homework she took from her on the bus.

“Was it Aphrodite and Darius?” he asked looking as discussed as Stark was, which made Stark laugh again.

“No you shit-hat,” she furiously yelled at him.

“Sorry,” he shrugged as she hissed at him like a cat. “Damien do you mind a debriefing before class?” Erik asked. Damien had been helping Erik for a few weeks already and the play was coming together better than we all had thought it would.

“Um, sure can we meet in the dining hall I skipped breakfast?” he asked going off with Erik.

“No matter how often this happens it just gets weirder and weirder every time,” Aphrodite said. I was thinking the same thing, but unlike her I can keep my impolite thoughts to myself.  

“Will you leave the guy alone!” Stevie Rae said being defensive. “He’s really helping Damien feel like some things normal, and that’s something he needs right now.”

“Whatever,” Aphrodite said going in to the building with the rest of us. 

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