Chapter Three

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The orginal theme and Characters for the House of night do not belong to me, They are the work of P.C and Kristin Cast. P.S. please leave comments and tell me what you think. Thanx for reading.=}

Roxanne POV

I never thought Erik would magically walk back into my life. That never stopped me from hoping, but I really hurt him. I can tell he’s afraid of me and hurting me. If only he could understand I’m just nuts. I was crazy to let him go and never try to get him back. That wasn’t going to happen this time nothing and no one was going to keep us apart. We went out for ice cream then came back to the ambassador to watch some TNT. I’m sure Erik thought Law and Order: SVU was on but they were showing Doubt with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams.

“I’m going to take Clara into the other room so we can watch the movie in peace,” Erik said picking up Clara. She had been snoring through the last fifteen minutes of Doubt and I guess he finally had enough. “Can you get the door for me Roxy?” he asked in a strained voice. I assumed Clara was heavier then he thought.

“Sure thing,” I said hoping over the arm of the sofa and opening the door for him. He walked over to the bed and gently led his sister down. He pulled the covers over her and gave her a light kiss good night on the forehead. For a second he just looked down at her.

“You really missed her,” I said laying my head on his shoulder.

“I missed both of you more than you’ll ever know,” he said running his finger through my hair and looking me in the eye. “You know she did this to get us back together right?” he asked trying to see what I thought about this. Honestly, I was happier then I’ve been in a while just being in the same room as him. I didn’t need his heart or his love. Just having him around was good enough.

“I know we just got parent trapped,” I said smiling up at him. There was so much pain in his eyes it drove me madder than I already was. Erik is the last person in the world to deserve what I put him through and I’m going to fix this somehow. “I’m mad as a hatter for the way I treated you. I was just really hurt and confused,” I said trying to make since of that day myself. I think Roz’s death made me loss my mind. “If I could take it all back I would,” I said looking into his deep blue eyes. I missed the adoring way he looked at me.

“You throw your pocketbook, book bag, and psych textbook at me,” he said with the strangest smile on his face.

“Oh, God I’m so sorry. I really mean it,” I said burying my face in my hands. My humility was burning my cheeks and I was afraid to look him in the eye. I made a total douche of myself and I had to fix it.

Erik pulled my hands away from my face and looked me in the eye again. “Tell me what I did so I can fix it,” he smiled at me. Erik’s smile was like being kissed by the sun. It gave off warmth that flowed through my body and it made me shoulder. I’ve never known anything like it and I’m glad this feeling is back. 

“It wasn’t you, you were amazing to me it was everything else and then you got Marked and everything just felt so… I was… I dunno how to explain,” I said babbling I was wrong and I knew that I just had to convince Erik it wasn’t his fault.

“It was because we had sex?” he asked and my heart jumped. Given the circumstance that was the best night of my life. Being with Erik was the happiest I felt since Roz’s cancer came back. He made me feel safe and whole.

“Erik, stop doing this to yourself. You didn’t do anything wrong I have no Idea why I did what I did,” I said knowing he’d catch me in my lie. I know why I did it I just couldn’t deal with what was happening around me.

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