Chapter Eight

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Author FYI: Here's the next chapter. They're alittle slow so i'm going to update back to back to get it out of the way. 

“Hey Miss I’m-going-to-take-care-of-inventory,” Daniel one of my step brothers said as we walked over to the bar-pit. The bar-pit was the rounded end of the stage, and if you retracted the cover you could use it as a bar. Daniel was polishing the box of glasses we got in last week that happened to be too small.

“Why are they still here?” I asked sitting on a stool and grabbing two glasses from behind the bar.

“Davey got us a good price on them,” he said eyeing Erik oddly. “Isn’t that the kid your dad bet up?” he asked. “Carla’s brother?”

“Yeah it is,” I said pouring bourbon in to the glasses and sliding one over to Erik. “You remember Erik right?” I asked him getting my tablet out of my bag. I had the schedule made up already and all I had to do was get everyone to tell me when they can fill in Miles’s place.

“Yeah, I think I do,” Daniel said still looking at Erik. “S’up?” Daniel asked slowly.

“Nothing,” Erik said already annoyed. “For the record her dad didn’t beat me up.”

“I’m sure. What are you doing here?” He asked looking at me.

“None of your business, the last I checked I was a grown ass woman and I could do what the hell I wanted,” I said not in the mood to be parented anymore. Everyone needs to back off and let me handle my life.

“Leave my sister alone,” He said leaning on the table so he was in Erik’s face.

“One, I’m your step sister, and two you’re being a jerk right now,” I said climbing over the counter to push him away from Erik. “Why are you acting like this?”

“Davey come out here,” he said pulling the counter top up so he could walk over to Erik. Erik gave me an ‘I told you so’ look and I sighed. I can’t believe these idiots are acting so stupid. Erik was a vampire, not a terrorist. There was so many other things in the world to be afraid of why waste time on him?

“Danny stop,” I said just as David came springing from behind stage.

“Get him out of here,” Daniel yelled at me never taking his eyes off of Erik. “I can’t believe you’d be with one of them, especially after what happen to those Broken Arrow kids.”

“It wasn’t Erik, and they never said a vampire did it,” I said standing in-between them and Erik.

“Look I get where you guys are coming from but I’m not going to hurt Roxy,” Erik said with no anger or hostility in his voice.

“You’re right about that because you’re leaving right now,” David said pointing to the door.

“No he’s not. Go back to work or I’ll suspend both of you,” I yelled finally able to break the death stares they were giving Erik.

“You don’t have the cause to,” David said.

“You guys are being rude to a paying customer,” Morgan said trying to help.

“And I have a witness to it too. Thanks Mor,” I smiled.

“If something happens to her I’m going to kick your ass,” Daniel said before going behind the bar.

“Is he wearing my clothes?” Davey asked staring me down. Davey wasn’t as bad as Danny, but given the opportunity he wouldn’t hesitate to be a dick. “Why is he wearing my clothes?”

“We didn’t have sex, and you’re not my father,” I said taking Erik back to Miles’s office so we can have some privacy. “I’m sorry,” I said closing the door and sitting next to him on a couch.

Forgotten/Someone Like You {An Erik House of Night FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now