Chapter Twelve

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Erik got here less than an hour ago. We had the club just about cleared and he was talking to Morgan about something. I was cleaning the bar while everyone hung out with Erik. I started to cough again and was glad no one noticed. I did. I rolled my eyes to myself at Erik’s smartass comment. “Come on,” he yelled at me. I was finished cleaning, honestly, I was just tired of everyone telling me to get some rest and take a break. I wasn’t sick.

“I’m ready to go,” I said giving my keys to the twins. Morgan and I were going to ride back with Erik. Danny and Davey were in charge of lock up tonight, and had to do inventory and finish the health inspection cleaning I started. “Make it shine,” I said mimicking Miles.

“You ready?” Erik asked Morgan who was eating some of Danny’s fries.

“Yeah,” she said getting up and looping arms with Erik like he was her boyfriend.

“Jealous,” Erik said looking at me.

“Of a down grade, no,” I shrugged as Danny and Davey laughed.

“Harsh,” he said hugging Morgan.

“She’s the man-stealing-so-called-friend,” I said teasing her.

“Sucks to be you,” she said walking to the parking lot with Erik. They were talking about something he said when I started to cough again.

“You okay?” he said waiting for me to ketch up to him. “You look pretty run down,” he said holding me for a second.

“I just need to close my eyes for a minute I’m sure I’m fine,” I said trying not to lie to him, but trying not to tell him the complete truth.

When we made it home I just mixed up another rotten sneaker smoothie and watched the Twilight Marathon Morgan convinced us to have. Soon the twins were home, and I managed to sneak off with Erik. I brought him to the attic which my dad turned into a dance studio for me. He looked mad for a moment, but then his face softened.

“Why did you bring me up here?” he asked a little irritated. I know he could sense I had a hidden agenda, but luckily he didn’t know what it was.

“I’m doing some choreography for a song. I want to make sure you’re comfortable with it,” I said remembering how mad he was at the routine I put together for S&M.

“Fine,” he said sitting in the seat I directed him to. I started the track and took a deep breath. I was going to try something that could work really well, or make Erik never touch me ever again. I started with my back turned to him. I could feel him staring at my butt. I laughed to myself as I seductively dance with my reflection in the mirror moving my hips to the rhythm waiting for the beat to drop.

The mood is set

(Ha ha)

So you already know what's next

(Uh huh ah)

TV on blast, 

Turn it down, 

Turn it down.

Don't want it to clash, 

With my body screaming out


I know you hearin' it, 


You got me moanin' now.

I got a secret that I wanna show you, oh.

I got a Secrets Imma drop em to the floor, oh.

Right than I turned and locked eyes with him he was stuck. I slowly fell to the floor and did my best booty pop-locking.

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