Chapter Four

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Roxanne POV

“Why didn’t you tell me how you felt when I went to your house that night? Why did you flip out on me?” he asked caressing my cheek. His body was pressed against mine and my heart was racing quicker than it ever had. I could tell Erik was pissed, but his face and his voice didn’t portray it. I wish I had done things differently, but I didn’t. I ruined Erik’s life and if he had stayed he would have died.

“I didn’t want to keep you away from all of this. I wanted you to be happy and alive. You came back for me Erik. You were so close to dying because of me. I had to do something,” I said holding on to him. I just needed to remind myself that he was real and he was alive. (Well as alive as vampires are.)

“I’m not happy. I’ve never been truly happy since I held you in my arms after we made love,” he said smiling at me. The reality and hurt in his words stabbed at my heart. Letting Erik go was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.

“Erik if I knew, I would’ve apologized, and I could never tell you how sorry I am,” I said trying to comfort him. I was the root of his pain and he didn’t even know the half of it yet.

“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me and I was willing to die just to see you and know that you were alright,” He said then he kissed the top of my forehead. I know it wasn’t his intention, but he made me feel guilty. I was horrible to him and I wish I could take it all back.

***The night Erik left***

Roxanne POV

“Rox, you should be careful with your arm,” my mom said in here thick Caribbean accent. She looked a little better than the last time I saw her. She still hasn’t eaten in a while and even though Rogan made her favorite she didn’t touch her plate. She picked me up from school and took me to the hospital. I hated to make her go back there and fuss over me, especially with Roz gone. Now, she was going up stirs to sleep. My aunt and grandpa drugged her and they think it’s going to help.

“It’s good for her, she needs something else to worry about,” Rogan said as he helped me with the dishes. He had taken Clara and Erik home after all of this. He said Erik was on his way to the House of Night and he felt horrible for what he did. I wish he knew how bad I felt. Everyone was treating him like he was some kind of monster, but he wasn’t, and I love him.

“Rox, don’t bet yourself up over this,” Clara stressed. She helped Rogan make dinner and was sitting on the counter. Her dark brown hair was still tied behind her and she still had on her school uniform. Clara had the seam deep blue eyes Erik had, the eyes that I’ll never see again.

“I’m going to go to bed,” I said sitting the plate I hadn’t finish drying down. Their eyes followed me out the room as they silently watched me. I had a ton of homework to do and I had to write a song for Roz’s wake and funeral. I wish I had Erik to help me find the words I never thought I’d have to say. This was horrible and the more I thought of Roz the more I thought of Erik. My heart was shattered and the shards keep cutting me every time I go to fix it.

“Roxy,” Erik said jumping up off my bed. He looked worse than he did this afternoon. His eyes were bloodshot, and his skin was pale. He looked kindda crazy. Like a dirty old junkie waiting to get his next fix. Then he started to cough up blood again and I got him a towel.

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