Chapter seven

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Author's FYI: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter please vote and comment. i love hearing from you guys. I also made a trailer and posted it in chapter one so check it out. Also Thanks BlueSniper for the awesome cover. 

Soon Clara was gone and almost home. Erik decided to go back in the room and sleep a little more. He couldn’t help but worry about Clara, yet she was getting older and soon she’d be home with their parents. Erik held on to Roxanne, because she was the one person he loved most, and he could never imagine losing her forever. Before he knew it Erik was right back to sleep and woken up again this time by Roxanne’s cell phone vibrating in the pocket of her shorts. Shockingly, she was still sound asleep, so he looked at the caller ID. It simply said “work” and he panicked. Roxanne would be very upset with him if his plan to get her to sleep made her miss work.
Erik cleared his throat and answered the phone. “Hello,” he said trying to eradicate the sleep from his voice.
“Um, Roxy?” the voice on the other line questioned.
“Uh, no I’m her friend,” Erik looked down at Roxy who was still sound asleep, “Roxy is out at the moment can I give her a message for you?” he asked in a soft whisper.
“Just tell her Morgan called, and I was starting the inventory she promised to do yesterday before she left,” she said in a really sarcastic tone. Leave it to Roxanne to find a friend that’s just like her.
“Oh, I’m sorry about that, and I’m sure she is too. I’ll tell Roxy to give you a call when she can,” he said looking over at Roxanne who was starting to stair.
“Okay thanks for that,” she said and hung up.
“Erik?” Roxanne said looking at him trying to sneak her phone back into her pocket.
“Hey what’s going on?” He said smiling down at her. “Did you enjoy your little nap?” he asked.
“Are you robbing me?” she asked sitting up.
“No someone named Morgan called you about some inventory, and I didn’t want you to wake up cause you looked really into that nap,” he said as she found her way into his arms and grabbed her phone.
“Ohmigod Erik, its twelve o’clock where’s Clara she’s so late for her bus. I can’t believe you let me sleep like that,” she said jumping out of the bed.
“Clara left at like eight or nine she’s home already,” he informed her. Roxy seat back down on the bed. “Are you okay?”
“How long was I asleep?” she asked looking a little confused.
“I guess since six or seven,” he shrugged “I was asleep half the time too.”
“I have to get wash and dress. I have some cloths you can barrow if you wanna stay and hangout,” she said acting nonchalantly.
Erik was silently playing with a loose thread on the ivory colored comforter. “Do you want me to stay and hang out,” he said looking up at her.
“I’d love it if you stayed and played,” she said crawling over to him and kissing him. “That would make my day,” she smiled.
“What’s on your agenda for this blistering cold Saturday?” he asked taking her curvy frame into his arms. “Are we going to eat a fabulous brunch and catch a movie?” he asked kissing her cheek.
“Better, we’re taking care packages to the kids at the oncology ward in Saint Francis Hospital. You know, like we used to,” she half smiled at him.
“Got a guitar I could barrow?” he smiled at her.
“You do know you’re talking to me right,” she giggled. “I’ll go get you something to wear, and we can reconvene in the kitchen in thirty minutes,” she said and he looked at her side ways.
“The last I checked it took you thirty minutes to brush your teeth,” he said remembering how long it took her to get all dolled up for even the tiniest performance.
“Hey, I’m an insanely fast dresser and I’m just taking a quick shower. You can time me if you want,” she said being defensive.
“Sure just go get the cloths,” he said sending her off. “She disappeared into one of the rooms for ten long minutes and came back with a blue V-neck sweater and straight leg jeans. “So you really want me to look like a douche,” he smiled at her.
“You minus well embrace who you really are, here’s a pack of underoos and there’s rags and towels in the closet in the hall bathroom. I’ll try not to take a century in the shower,” she said being horribly sarcastic.
“Sure thing,” he said kissing her cheek. She went off to her room to get ready and he went to go get into the shower.
He was dressed and waiting for her. She was already fifteen minutes over and he was getting a little restless, and hungry. Erik really didn’t remember the last time he eat something. He really hadn’t been in the mood for much since Jack’s accident. “Roxy are you ready yet,” he called up the staircase.
“Fine I won’t put on any make up at all,” she said coming to the top of the stairs, guitar in hand.
“You look really nice,” he said holding her close.
“Yeah, and you don’t look too much like a douche,” Roxanne said giving him the guitar. “Do you mind fast-food for breakfast, I could really go for some Wendy’s nuggets right now,” she said grabbing her keys and bag off the kitchen table.  “You’re gonna love these kids, this one boy Avery is too cute. He has a crush on Morgan it’s the sweetest little thing.”
“I’m sure I will,” he said making some room in the trunk of her navigator for her guitar. “Why is there so much alcohol back here?” he asked looking over the mounts of beer cases.
“This is the twin’s, I have a Dodge Charger which has been missing for the past two weeks. I don’t know what they did to my car, but when I find out they’re dead,” She smiled back at him.
Erik hopped in the front seat, and they set off for the hospital. On the way there Roxy blast all the Rihanna and Katy Perry she had in her iPod, she sang along to ever song out doing each artist. She was the same old Roxy, fun, exciting, and dangerous to ride in a car with. “Did you have to hug that curve so tight?"
“That’s funny I asked your dad the same thing the other day,” she smiled at him.
“Hmm, I didn’t get that imprison last night,” he said playing her twist game.
“Well, I had the old seasoned bull so why not try the young calf,” she said shrugging as she turned into the parking lot, and grabbed one of those ticket things. She drove faster then she should to perfectly turn into the first parking space she saw.
“Way to make me piss my pants,” he commended her.
“Anytime love, anytime,” she smiled as they got their instruments out of the trunk. “We can go through that elevator and it will put us right where we need to be,” she informed him as he rolled the keyboard case to the elevator.
“So what’s the game plan?” he asked as she smiled.
“We play whatever they want,” she said with a shrug as they walked down a corridor to the nurses’ station. “Hey Mrs. O’Connor,” she said addressing an older Black nurse at the station. She was wearing pink Strawberry Shortcake scrubs and writing on a paper she soon put in a file. “Have you seen the other girls?”
“What other girls?” Erik asked surprised he didn’t know they were forming a band.
“My friends, Morgan whom you talked to earlier, Jason, and McKenzie,” she smiled at him then turned her attention back to Mrs. O’Connor. “Are they here?”
“Yes they went to set some equipment up in the lobby down stairs,” she said looking at Erik sideways.
“Please be nice Mrs. O’Connor, he’s a good boy,” Roxy said noting the look on Mrs. O’Connor’s face as she looked over Erik’s tattoos, and finally settled her eyes on his mark.
“If he’s following you around like a lost puppy I’d think differently,” she replied putting away the file she was writing on when they walked up to the nurse’s station.
“He’s a good guy really, he’s just a little stupid,” Roxanne said smiling up at Erik.
“I really resent that,” he said wrapping his arm around her waist and looking down into her eyes.  
“Hey this is a kids ward not the dark corner of your little night club,” Mrs. O’Connor said as she came from behind the counter and hit Roxanne with another file. “You better behave your fast little self,” she said shaking the file in Roxy’s face.
“When don’t I?” Roxanne said grabbing Erik’s free hand and leading him to the elevator once again. “Okay, Jason and McKenzie are assholes, well McKenzie is just a heartless bitch, so be nice,” she said warning him.
“On a scale of one to ten how bitchy is she?” Erik asked with a smug smile.
“The kind of bitch you’re used to dating,” she said poking his side.
“You shouldn’t talk about yourself like that,” he said with a light laugh as the doors opened to a brightly colored space. The room was mostly red and green themed. Huge green, red, and yellow dragonflies lied lazily across the shiny floor. It looked like Willy Wonka designed this place.  The row of chairs by the staircase looked like red and orange Legos stuck together. The bright scenery was so childlike and warm. Erik couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to be a kid coming here.
“There you are sleepy head,” a girl said holding a microphone stand. She was standing to their adjacent side near the pillars. Behind her huge flowers hung on the wall. “It’s about time you come and help us,” the girl was a little taller than most very model like. She had long dark hair but half of it was shaved off. Her almond gray eyes seemed to be scolding Roxy.
“I got held up,” she shrugged going over to her friends still hand and hand with Erik.
“Shut the front door, you’re Erik Night,” the girl said extremely shocked. “No fu-freaking way,” she said coming closer to Erik and staring at his mark.
“You really know this lunatic?” some guy asked coming over to them. He was about the same height as Erik, and was sporting a platinum blonde Mohawk. Erik could tell he was gay, not that his voice or demeanor really portrayed it, kind of like Damien he thought to himself. “I don’t believe this.”  
“Erik this is Morgan and that’s Jason,” Roxy said as Erik shook their hands. “Please stop embarrassing yourselves.”
“Was it you that answered the phone earlier?” Morgan asked with a knowing smile on her face.
“He’s my friend nothing more.”
“Nothing less,” Jason added with a laugh.
“Hey, please don’t make me regret bringing him here to meet you guys,” Roxy said, going to setup her keyboard. Erik didn’t think there was anything wrong with Jason or Morgan. He kind of liked them.
“We’ll be on our best behavior; however, I can’t say the same for Her Holiness in the powder room,” Morgan said as she helped Roxanne with her keyboard. “I don’t think she’s going to like this.”
“Yeah, she’s still a little bitter about your unlawful promotion to assistant manager,” Jason said cutting Morgan off. “Hell, I am too, everyone but Chloe has seniority over you. This isn’t fair, and you never show up to work on time,” he added with a fair amount of detest.
“What was it Julie Andrews said in the Princess’ Diaries ‘a queen is never late everyone else is merely early,” Roxy repeated as if it were scripture. She made her way back over to Erik. He had the guitar slung over his back and his arms around her waist. Neither of them thought anything of it, but they just looked into each other’s eyes.

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