Chapter Five

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Author FYI: I haven't done this before but there's spoilers from Awakened in here. LOL better late than never hunh....Anyone? 

“Hey, guys sorry for the dely,” Erik said as he walked into the drama room. Damien had put on one of Erik’s illegal copies of Wicked. He was crying on Zoey’s shoulder through Defying Gravity Jack’s favorite song. Erik remembered how the three of them stayed up all night watching his secret collection of never before seen Musical footage. Erik had given Jack this right after he Changed. “Thanks for holding down the fort you guys,” Erik said to Zoey and Damien as he flicked the lights on. “I’m sorry that I left you guys hanging especially in the wake of what happened to Jack. However, I’m glad we get to use all of these feelings for something good and productive,” Erik said getting a brilliant idea for a lesson before he had realized it. “I want you guys to take these feelings and turn them into a play. I want you to write the greatest teen drama ever.”

-“What do you mean you want us to write it?” Becca asked eyeing Erik in the most inappropriate way he thought to himself.

Erik cleared his throat and wrote The Healing Project on the broad. “I’m not going to pretend like things haven’t been off the past few months. I want you guys to tell me how you feel, how do you deal, and how has Nyx been there for you. You guys are going to inspire the school to keep going and its starts with your homework assignment. Write a monologue about what beginning Marked means, not only as a vampire, but as a kid that was once human with a limited future and family,” He said looking under his desk for the stack of journals Professor Nolan kept for the sixth formers. “Each of you take one of these and feel free to babble your little hearts out. I’ll put you guys in groups tomorrow and you can put your work together to make scenes for Act One.”

“Erik, what if we write things that don’t fit together?” Starr Manning a petit blonde asked from behind Zoey.

“That’s for you guys to work out tomorrow. If you come to a point where you need my help I won’t give it to you,” the class looked shocked and really annoyed when he said that. Erik found himself smiling at the reaction he got. “Damien is going to be sitting in as my assistant for a while and he’ll be directing and critiquing you guys. Whatever it is you need seek him,” Erik said smiling at Damien who look stunned. Erik did this for two reasons. One he needed the class to believe this wasn’t something he just pulled out of his ass, and two he wanted to give Damien something positive to do while he’s healing. The bell rung and everyone started to rush out the door. “Don’t forget to write,” He yelled as he headed over to Damien and Zoey.

“I can’t thank you guys enough for covering for me I really lost track of time,” Erik smiled, but he could feel something off with Z, she was way too quiet. “Are you okay Z?” Erik asked looking down at her.

“Um my mom died she was stabbed at my grandma’s last night,” she said in tears. Erik held her and looked at Damien. He couldn’t believe Zoey had to deal with all of this. She couldn’t handle Nerefet, Kalona, helping Damien, Dealing with Jack, School, being a high priestess, and all her family drama. That was really too much to ask of one person.

“Z, I’m so sorry about your mom I know you haven’t been getting along too well lately, but still this hast to be hard. Was you grandma hurt?” he asked hoping Sylvia was fine. Everyone loved Z’s grandma she was sweet and loving.

“She wasn’t there,” Damien said comforting Zoey.

“Maybe you guys should go hang at the movies or with your Grandma. School will be here tomorrow, and I’ll just talk to your teachers and get your lessons for the day,” Erik offered but Zoey sniffled and shook her head no. Damien gave her the box of tissues he had sitting on the desk he was using.

Forgotten/Someone Like You {An Erik House of Night FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now