Chapter Fifteen

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When we were in the club Roxanne had made a grand entrance from behind the crowd on the floor. She was making her way to the stage shockingly joining her, Erik, was on stage. “Since when does Erik play guitar?” I asked Aphrodite.

“He always did,” Damien added from behind me.

“Order whatever you guys want,” Morgan said giving us menus. “This area is private so no one should bother you.” She miced herself up and went down to join Erik and Roxanne on stage.

Everyone else was up enjoying the lounge, or in Aphrodite’s case getting wasted. I couldn’t help but watch Roxanne. She was pretty good. No wonder why Nyx marked her. She was singing Rockstar with just her and Erik on stage. The way they complemented each other was unbelievable. They had real chemistry and a part of me was a little jealous. Maybe it had more to do with the seductive way she was dancing next to him even though they weren’t touching. She still didn’t look like the slut I imagined her as when she insinuated she was a stripper.

Before I knew it Roxanne was doing her last song which was Cheers by Rihanna. It seemed to get the crowd really wired. At the end she had the audience join in and everyone up there in the lounge was screaming the words with her, including Lenobia.


“How are you guys feeling tonight?” I asked the crowd. The energy was pretty good for a Monday. I was sure the club was filled with Miles’s many followers. “So my friend Erik is here on guitar and I wanted to sing a little medley for him is that okay with you?” I asked as everyone screamed yes. “I said is that okay,” and I put the mic out into the crowd hearing their screams echo through the speakers.  

I glanced over my shoulder at Erik who was blushing. I’m sure he’d convince his friends it was because he was angry. However I knew he was really embarrassed and it was really cute.

“This is for you,” I said pointing to him then looking out into the crowd.

I want you to love me, like I'm a ride

Keep thinkin' of me, doin' what you like

So boy forget about the world cuz it's gon' be me and you tonight

I looked Erik in the eye and sung. I’m ganna make you beg, boy, then imma make you swallow your pride

Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world

Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love

Like I'm the only one who knows your heart

Only girl in the world...

Like I'm the only one that's in command

Cuz I'm the only one who understands how to make you feel like a man

Want you to make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world

Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love

Like I'm the only one who knows your heart

Only one, one, one

You the one that I dream about all day

You the one that I think about always

You Are The One So I Make Sure I Behave

My love is your love, your love is my love

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