Chapter Twenty-six

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I changed somethings in destined (so again don't be mad). Tell me how you feel about the changes. **************************************************Roxanne************************************************

Erik and I were in his room. We were dismissed from the meeting and I convinced him to have a private tutoring session. He pulled his shirt over his head and I followed his movements removing my shirt and bra in one quick swoop. My pants barely made it to the front door. "I think Nyx approves of your little musical act," he said kissing my bare shoulder.

"Why do you say that?" I said nibbling on his bottom lip once he was finished with my shoulder and back.

"She's blessed you with a lovely tattoo on your shoulders that wrap around to your upper back," he said nodding over to the mirror on his dresser.

I looked and I couldn't believe my eyes. It looked like a huge gold trouble clef was on my back, but it was made up of little loops and knots. "It's…I don't know," I was speechless at how amazing it looked on me.

"It's just as beautiful as you are," he said turning my face so his forehead rested on mine.

"I love you," I whispered kissing his lips gently.

"I love you too," he whispered in my ear as his lips fell to my neck again. I was filled with heat and yearning once more. I wanted him, I needed him.

"Please don't stop," I begged moving my hips against his. He only had on his boxer briefs and I could feel his excitement fully. I was hot and wet and I just wanted him so bad.

He slowly pulled down my panties and smiled at me. I knew he was just dragging out the moment wanting me to beg for my release, and I gave into him. "Please do it," I beseeched giving him exactly what he wanted. "I need you," I whispered to him.

He kissed my naval and headed down to my valley. Killing me with the suspense I loved his touch and the feel of him. I needed him. Then there was a heavy knock on the door, and Erik let out and angry puff of air. "I'm going to kill who ever that is," he said putting on his Joe Boxer pajama pants. He kissed the top of my head and went to get the door.

"Hey, Zoey what's going?" he asked. Shit, I thought. "Why is Kalona here?"

"Dragon's dead, and we can't find Roxanne. Do you know where she went?" Zoey asked. I looked through the door and there was a bunch of people. Erik directed them to the living area and I tried to sneak out and grab my things from on the ground. I throw on Erik's shirt and went on my way.

"We went to her place and she wasn't there," Kramisha said. She was sitting on my jacket. I had to get my shoes and I only had one boot for some reason.

"What happened to Dragon?" he asked.

"He was trying to protect me," Rephaim said. He sounded really shocked and confused.

"We really need to find Roxanne she needs to know too," Thanatos said. Once I heard her voice I knew we were in big trouble.

"She was going to check in on her brothers with Miles the last I checked. I'll call her if you want," He said and I knew he was going to pretend to call me.

"I'll do it," Kramisha said calling my phone. I reached behind her to get my phone, but it was too late. She and Stark turned to see my hand behind Kramisha's back, and my phone loudly ringing.

"Hey, guys," I said getting up. Everyone looked from Erik to me. "I'm gonna put on some clothes. Given the current circumstance I think we should focus on why you're here," I said gathering my clothes.

"Your boot's under the coffee table," he said.

"Thanks," I said going to get dressed.

"I thought she was just joking around with you," Stark said shock.

Forgotten/Someone Like You {An Erik House of Night FanFic}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant