Chapter Nine

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“I love you,” Roxy said kissing Erik goodbye. She was the most beautiful girl in the world to Erik, and she was all his. “Call me,” she finished. As Erik got out and stood next to Davey, who was getting in the front seat.

“I love you Erik,” Danny said from the back as Davey puckered his lips and made kissing noises. Roxanne hit Danny in the back of the head. Erik just rolled his eyes and want to the school. He watched the car as it quickly disappeared down the street and sharply around the corner.

“I’ve been looking all over for you,” Neferet said appearing out of thin air by Erik’s side. “You should really let people know when you’re going to disappear like this.”

“I’m tired of doing this with you Neferet. I’m not going to give you anything. Goodbye,” he said furiously brushing past her.  

“You’re going to tell me that deep down apart of you doesn’t want to stick it to Zoey, and make she pays for lying to you because I for one find it hard to believe,” she said to his back. Erik immediately turned around and charged at her.

“How dare you stand here and pretend like you didn’t send Loren to prey on Zoey. She had just lost her best friend and you manipulated her without a second thought, because you’re an evil bitch,” He spit. His voice roared with a thunder he’d never known, and by the look on her face he wasn’t the only one it surprised.

“Well, I guess this route was a waste of time,” she laughed as if they were having a cordial conversation. “It’s a good thing I always have a backup plan,” Neferet said with a blood chilling smile. “This is your last chance to join me, or you’ll be my enemy and I’ll have to destroy you,” she said before walking to the main building.  

“Erik,” Damien said once he had reached the rec room which was right by the parking lot.

“Hey, why aren’t you in the tunnels?” Erik asked Damien who looked really freaked out, and like he had been crying. “Is everything okay?”

“No, I’m sorry. I lied to you before. I was just embarrassed,” Damien confessed. “I should’ve told you guys what happened the second I realized I made a mistake.”

“Damien, I’m sure whatever it is, isn’t that bad. I’m here and I’ll help you fix it,” Erik said taking Roxanne’s advice. He was going to prove to Damien that he was trustworthy and the same guy he was before all the weirdness started.

“I don’t think we can…I told Neferet things…things about you and the gang. Things she can use against us. I know it was dumb, but I didn’t realize what I was doing. I’m sorry Erik,” he cried.

“What did you tell her?” Erik asked immediately thinking about Roxanne.

“She wanted to know if you and Aphrodite kept in touch with your families. I told her about your mom and Clara. I’m sorry.”-

“Did you tell her Clara was here?” Erik asked getting worried.

“No I didn’t know about that until after I talked to Neferet. I wish I could take it all back. Aphrodite is undoubtedly going to kill me.”

“No one is going to blame you. How did this happen?” Erik asked out of curiosity.

“The other day I couldn’t sleep and I knew that the nurse, Crystal, had something that could help me. So I came back with Aphrodite and I went to the infirmary. When I got down there Neferet was there helping Blake Lewis with a broken arm, and she was the only one working there. I told her that I just wanted to be able to close my eyes and not see Jack’s body, and she said she’d help. I don’t know why I did, but I trusted her. She gave me something and it instantly made me sleepy. I was a little out of it at first, but then it was like she drew me out of myself enough to get information from me. I couldn’t help but tell her what she wanted to know,” Damien said never looking at Erik.

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