Chapter Six

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“Hey sunshine,” I said as Erik looked at my car. He looked really confused because I dropped him off in a black and yellow Dodge Challenger, and now Clara and I were in a cream colored Navigator. “It’s a long story get in,” I said unlocking the door and turning down the heat. The March air was still a little nippy, but the car was too warm.

“So, when are you going back home?” Erik asked Clara who decided to sit in the back, all of a sudden, allowing Erik to have the front, passenger seat. Erik was wearing his fake smile, but he seemed a little more like himself as he and Clara started to talk.

“Tomorrow afternoon, mom said I’ve missed too much school,” she smiled at him. I wish Roz and Rogan where still here, but I’m glade Clara and Erik still have each other. “She wants you to call her more often too.”

“I’ll make sure to do that,” he said looking over at me, his smile fading. “Why are you dressed like that?” he asked in a flat voice.

“You like,” I winked at him. Clara quietly laughed to herself as Erik searched for the right words to describe how my outfit made him feel.

“You look like a prostitute,” he said not sure if that was right. “Yeah, you look like you’re about to get a senator or Tiger Wood’s in some deep pooh.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at his observation. I never was the short, tight, and scandalous type. “Awe you think I’m a classy prostitute that’s so sweet,” I smiled at him. He wasn’t happy, not at all. “Come on you know a part of you loves this turn of events,” I said.

 “Not really,” he shrugged in a smug way. I couldn’t help but laugh at the thought. Erik-smug with me? “You’re really pretty though, I’m sure you already know that,” he smiled at me. 

“Thank you,” I smiled turning on to the highway so we could go to my place. “How was school?” I asked him remembering that he was really upset about something earlier.

“Very stressful,” he said on a heavy sigh. Something was really eating Erik up and it was odd to see him so…unhappy.

“Is your friend Damien doing better?” Clara asked from the backseat. I had almost forgotten she was in the car with us. She was being a little too quiet today.

“Who’s Damien?” I asked Erik and he smiled at me.

“My friend, duh,” he said mocking me.

“No shit Einstein, I meant what is he like, you butt monkey,” I said in a flat voice. I hated when Erik treated me like an idiot.

“Damien is my friend, and he was my roommate Jack’s boyfriend. Jack, had an accident, and died a few days ago. Damien isn’t dealing to well,” he said, making my heart leap. I had no idea this was happening to Erik. I always thought he’d be his sweet old nerdy self, act a little, and have a really annoying girlfriend, like back home. I’d never wish this amount of pain on him; I just can’t help but feel like this is my fault.   

“I’m sure he’ll be okay. He and Jack were really nice to me and mom,” Clara said comforting Erik.

“That’s what everyone keeps saying, but I just feel like something more is going on,” he said and my heart stopped.

“I think you’re being crazy, people grieve in all kinds of ways,” I said turning up the road to my place. There weren’t any cars parked out front, and the house looked dark so the twins weren’t home.

“You don’t live there do you?” Clara asked as we pulled in the garage.

“Yeah, it’s a long story,” I said turning the car off and grabbing my pocketbook from behind Erik’s chair. I took them over to the elevator and Erik just stared at Clara, who was looking around amazed by everything. She couldn’t believe her eyes and I couldn’t blame her. My dad had own his fishing company since I was eight and he always had more than enough since my mom refused to live outside our means. My mom was a smart businesswoman and the fact that my dad’s company is doing so well in this recession is a testament to that.

Forgotten/Someone Like You {An Erik House of Night FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now