Chapter Twenty-two

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“Are you sure you’re okay?” Erik asked me. I had been feeling a little sick lately and I couldn’t figure out why. It was mostly my stomach, like I ate some really bad seafood or something.

“Leave me alone. If I weren’t okay I’d say som”-

“No you wouldn’t you’re such a liar,” he said pressing me up against his desk. We were in his classroom waiting for the day to start. It was only seven so we had an hour or so to wait, and Erik didn’t have a first period class so he’d be waiting much longer than me.

“I’m sorry Professor,” I whispered looking up at him seductively. “I promise I won’t do it again,” I teased him.

“But you’re such a naughty, naughty girl, how am I supposed to trust you,” he said caressing my cheek and playing alone. “I suppose I’ll have to punish you really good this time,” he said pushing closer to me.

“Oh, Professor,” I said going to kiss him.

“Hey, you’re early,” he said spotting Zoey and Damien at the door.

“Were we interrupting something?” Damien smiled.

“No-no, she was just leaving,” he stuttered.

“I was?” I asked looking lustfully up at him.

“Yeah you were,” he yelled seeming frustrated with me. Erik was getting really good at pretending not to like me, a little too good.

“Suit yourself,” I said leaving the classroom and walking into Neferet’s guardian Aurox. I looked up at him and got the strangest chill. My throat tightened and I couldn’t breathe.

“Are you okay?” Aurox asked. Something in him was dark and hollow. He felt empty and soulless, and then he didn’t.

“I’m fine. That was my fault,” I said able to talk now.

“Are you okay?” Erik said. I turned to see him standing at the door and Zoey looking at Aurox the same way I had. Maybe she felt the emptiness too.

“Yeah, see you guys,” I said going to my class.


“Hey,” I said sitting next to Zoey with my lunch.

“Hey, you don’t look so hot,” she said smiling up at me.

“I don’t know what it is either. My stomach just feels really horrible,” I said playing around with the food on my plate. “Z, can I ask you something?”

“Yeah sure,” she said turning to me.

“Earlier when I bumped into Aurox, I got this weird feeling. I could feel the darkness in side of him. It made me feel really cold and like my body was in a hypothermic shock. Then when you looked at him you had this weird expression on your face. Did you feel the darkness too?” I asked her.

Zoey was still for a moment. “I felt like he was someone I used to know. It’s crazy cause he’s dead, and if you felt that way it wasn’t him,” she said. It same more like she was trying to convince herself and not me.

“What if Aurox is that person?” I asked her when Stark came back to the table with his and Zoey’s lunch.

“What are you two whispering about?” he asked looking between us.

“Girl stuff, you don’t want to know,” I shrugged going back to playing with my food.

“Try me,” he said looking at Zoey.

Forgotten/Someone Like You {An Erik House of Night FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now