Chapter Twenty

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“Did you get a chance to look over the advance fledgling handbook yet?” Erik asked interrupting my conversation with Shaunee and Kramisha.

“Maybe,” I shrugged knowing I hadn’t.

“It’s something you might want to get through pretty fast,” he insisted.

“Among other things,” I said winking at him. Damien looked shock by my comment.

“That’s highly inappropriate,” he said scolding me with his eyes.

I leaned in and whispered to him, “Well, maybe you could pull out your ruler and teach me a lesson, professor.”

“Extremely inappropriate,” he said making Shaunee and Kramisha laugh.

“Hey, guys,” Zoey said coming over with the rest of the gang minus Darius who was teaching. “We’re having a council meeting later on, in the tunnels, so would you guys come back with us?” Zoey asked me and Erik. 

“I’ll drive her there after we talk with Lenobia,” he said smiling at her.

“Hey you guys have to ride the retard bus too,” Aphrodite yelled.

“Would you stop calling it that,” most of them said in frustration.

“What’s the retard bus?” I asked curiously.

“They make us ride to school in a short bus,” Aphrodite braked.

“Oh well do you think everyone can fight in my van. I’d loan it to you guys if you want. It’s like a fifteen passenger, but you can get at least eighteen people in there if you try,” I shrugged.

“Please can we?” Aphrodite asked.

“Sure here’s the key,” I said taking it off the chain and giving it to Zoey, “You remember where it’s parked right?” I asked her.

“Yeah, thanks,” she smiled at me.

“It’s cool,” I shrugged going back to my plate.

“Are you sure you want to do that then you won’t have a car?” Erik asked.

“You just said you were going to ride me there. Worst comes to worst I can get my brothers to bring me something, or get a rental,” I shrugged.

“I forgot you could buy out NASA,” he laughed.

“What does that mean?” I screeched at him.

“Nothing princess,” he halfheartedly smiled.

“Princess! Look, don’t assume because I have money that I’m some spoiled brat,” I said smiling at him. “You should never under estimate anyone.”

“Sure thi-,” he stopped mid-sentence and grabbed his hand. “Oh great,” he said getting up to leave. “I’ll see you guys later,” he said running off.

“I have a feeling he’s going to mess that up again,” Aphrodite sighed to Zoey.

“Leave him alone,” Stevie Rae hissed, “You’re such a hateful hag all the time.”

“And you’re such a style challenged bumpkin all the time,” she spit back at her.

“Will you two stop it,” Zoey ordered causing them to both cross their arms and look in opposite directions. It was weird how they all fought, but considered each other their best friends. Zoey looked at me apologetically for a moment, and I didn’t know why. It looked deeper then Stevie Rae and Aphrodite fighting.

“How was your next class?” Stark asked taking Erik’s seat.

“About the same, you guys are really need to learn how to chillax. Music class is an easy A,” I shrugged. “This one girl Emma, or something was way over the top about my grading.”

“Why?” Zoey asked.

“I said that if you come and participate you’ll get an A, and she said some people try harder than other, and I said there’s no easy way to access that then you showing up and doing crap. Then she said if everyone gets A’s what do the people that work harder get. And I said the knowledge of knowing that you worked harder than everyone else.”

“That doesn’t seem fair,” Stevie Rae said. “If you do work harder you should get a better grade then everyone else.”

“It’s a music class in an open forum I’m not going to grade kids on talent, because it’s not fair. And just because someone is a know it all versus someone that’s quite, it doesn’t mean they work harder. It could mean they have some innate internal drive to be better than everyone else, and I’m not going to indorse a system that marks people as failures, and I’m not making it so people just get by. If you want an A and you do the work, you’ll get it. And if you don’t why can’t I just give them a C?” I asked.

“I guess that makes sense,” she said a little confused.

“I’m not expecting anyone to be the best, and I don’t want my students to think that way. I won’t them to focus on the craft and being able to say I did something wither good or bad. I’m teaching life experience,” I smiled at them.

“Sure thing,” Stark laughed.

“Is it too late to sign up for the easy A?” Aphrodite asked.

“What do you want me to do? Give A’s to assholes that need to be knocked down a peg,” I shrugged.

“That’s still not necessarily fair,” Zoey said.

“The purpose of school is to prepare people for the real world and trust me this class won’t affect them at all,” I shrugged when the bell wrong. “See you guys later.”

“She has a crush on you,” I whispered to Erik as we walked through parking lot with the girl Shaylin. She had a red mark, and was blind when Erik marked her. So he was pretty freaked out.

“I don’t care,” he whispered and got in the driver’s seat. I rode in the back so the two love birds could talk about Shaylin seeing colors, and whatever else she was talking about. The girl covered a lot of ground in a few seconds, yet you couldn’t get her to shut up.

Erik brought us to the old depots and he wanted me to go through a creepy hole in the floor. “Stop being a baby,” he demanded.

“In a horror movie you’re the one that gets us all killed. And being that I’m the closest thing to a black guy you have. Not happening,” I said folding my arms.

“Wow your color changed,” Shaylin noted. “It’s kind of like a field of wheat,” she smiled.

“Will you just come on,” Erik said trying to hide his annoyance with Shaylin and her color reading.

“You go first,” I said and he sighed and went down.

“Come on,” he yelled up.

“I’ll go if you want to be sure,” Shaylin offered.

“Thanks, and if something tries to eat you guys I totally will help,” I said making her laugh. She climbed down and Erik just looked up at me for a moment. “Come on,” he yelled after a heartbeat.

I sighed and started on my way down. When I jumped off the latter Stark came from out of the shadows yelling boo and making me jump into Erik’s arms. “What is your problem?” I yelled at him as he, Shaylin, and Erik laughed.

“It was Erik’s idea,” he smiled. Then he looked at Shaylin. “Wow, Aphrodite was right,” he said making me laugh.

“I guess so,” I said. “Shaylin this is Stark,” I added introducing them.

“Hey Shaylin,” Stark said reaching out to shake her hand.

“Green, I don’t know what your color means,” she smiled at him.

“Is she okay?” he asked looking to me.

“I don’t know when Erik marked her she was blind or something.”

“Wait what?” he said looking to Erik now.

“We’ll explain come on,” he said walking down the tunnel. 

Forgotten/Someone Like You {An Erik House of Night FanFic}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat