Welcome To Renegade!

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Hello both old and new tributes, to Author Games: Renegade! This is a continuation of "Author Games: Olympics", and as mentioned, will describe the escape of the tributes from the 80th games.

As for tributes, there will be the six escapees and six former members of the Capitol, meaning a total of twelve writers! Reservations will open Oct. 20th, 2015.

For anyone willing to join the games, it is important that we go over a few rules. Most of the old tributes will remember, but I recommend that both the new and old authors take a quick look.

                                                                  RULES + INFO

~ Since the purpose of the games is to help each other escape, I strongly recommend not purposely killing fellow tributes. If a tribute is to die in an entry, it can either be accidentally or by an outside cause (ex. a peacekeeper).

~ For the escaping tributes, they can be at the most a year older than before they entered the Arena. The tributes were in the Arena for about three weeks, so it is possible for a birthday or two to occur. For Capitol citizens, try making your characters over 18.

~ Despite the fact that this "rebellion" has given you food and supplies, conflicts with those type of things can occur. An example may be how the tributes wish to ration it, or if a tribute eats all of the granola bars. This can also add some more detail to your entries.

~ When turning in entries, I will only accept it via email (if you are unable to submit it through email, let me know). Be sure to submit it to brookenet567 (at sign) outlook.com

~ Entry times will also be based off of GMT times. To compare it with your time, just use google. Ex: 10pm GMT to EST.

Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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