Tribute 6: Aime Satomi

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Name:  Aime Satomi

Current Age: 18

Gender: Female

Current Health State: Aime, physically, is perfectly fine. Aside from a few cuts and bruises, something she says doesn't matter, she is in no pain. Her mind, however, is trickier. After the hallucinations, she forgot who she was. She forgot her family, and Vitalia. She forgot everything as a way to protect herself. Fortunately, she retains the same common sense and basic abilities, but her mind is the most hurt, concerning her health.

 Strategies for Survival: Aime wants to live because it would selfish of her to die. She has no family- so she remembers- to get back to. Vitalia says she does have a family to return to, giving her some sense of who she was. She is a diligent young woman and her determination to survive is derived from the fundamental bases of her personality. Nothing more, nothing less.

Weapon: Aime kept the bag of darts she found in the bloodbath.


Author Games: Renegade | CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now