Semi Finals: Scores & Rankings

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So I was going to wait until tomorrow to post entries, but due to the fact that no one would die anyway, plus a few people *coughs* Fayth and Cat *cough* making my heart twist into a painful spiral of decision, I have decided to post everything tonight.

Also, since it is in fact the semi finals and you have established that you are all nearly perfect, I have taken out the feedback and left behind the oh so important numbers. Which is why the rankings and scores are combined in case you're wondering.

Anyways, let's get onto the good stuff...


Tribute 2: Mai Li - 11

Tribute 4: Neha Bhavsar - Because I cut you short of your extension, I will give you a 10, as that is your overall score average :).

Capitol 3: Luna Jordan - 11

Capitol 12: Berenice Vipointe - 12


Here are your rankings:

1. Berenice Vipointe

2. Mai Li

2. Luna Jordan

3. Neha Bhavsar


Now that we have that over with, there is something EXTREMELY IMPORTANT I need to tell you...

For the finals, you are going to be completing the story of your character (will be a chapter duh). Whatever you write for that grand finale may be used in the final epilogue to this wonderful adventure. That being said, this was the last time your entries will ever be scored. Once all four entries are turned in, the only thing deciding your victory will be that entry.

Remember, your threats are closer than you think...

Author Games: Renegade | CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now