Capitol 4: Popsicle X

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(A/N That name tho)

Name: Popsicle X

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Skills: She is very talented in finding edible things in any situation. Her nails are extremely sharp and can slit throats just by itself. She also loves animals, especially cute furry ones, like squirels and foxes.

Appearance: Popsy, as she refers to herself as, has curled royal purple hair that reaches past her shoulders. She has innocent sky blue eyes. Her plump lips are always bright pink. She has just perfectly tanned skin and is quite tall and reaches 5'10. She has quick agile limbs which give her quite an advantage.

Personality: She is very nice to everybody and everyone adores her. She is the apple in everyone's eyes. Except for the teachers. She is very rebellious in class, and never listens to anything the teachers say.

But she can be very deadly when she wants to be. Her eyes are as sharp as an eagle's, her nails are as sharp as claws. She can turn from pretty angel to demonic in literally seconds. Her eyes turn blood red. Her purple hair seems to come alive... You do not want to mess with her. Though she rarely goes into this mode, when she does, it's mostly to protect her friends and family, almost never towards a person, mostly towards monsters.

Token: A popsicle necklace. The popsicle is a amethyst gem. This necklace was gifted to her at the age of 5 from her grandmother who made these necklaces.


Author Games: Renegade | CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now