Task One: The Past Will Never Let You Go

100 7 24

***Unfortunately, the injuries Emily Gold and Vitalia Shae Scipio sustained were too fatal. They died soon after escaping.***

A dirty sack is ripped off my head, my eyes being immediately blinded by the light on the black ceiling. I try to rub my eyes, but my hand is delayed by a pair of handcuffs strapped to a heavy steel table. I hoarsely try to call for someone, which makes each mouth movement result in a dust of dried blood landing on my lap, which is also covered in a few blood stains.

"Good afternoon Ms. Kateryna Stiles!" A man finally enters the room, closing the door behind him. "You weren't waking up very quickly, so I decided to speed up the process."

I roll my eyes. He is an impatient one, which means this is going to be a pain for me.

Suddenly he slams his hands on the table, creating a jolt through my hand cuffs and sitting me straight and proper. "Anyways, I need to ask you a few questions. If you cooperate, you will be moved into a more comfortable living space within about 24 hours. If you choose to give me trouble...well, I'll get my information in a more forceful fashion."

I know he wants to find out about the Gamemakers, but I'm lost with anything beyond the bombings. Maybe he won't ask about that.

"So Kateryna, where did your other friends go after you left them?"



Welcome to the long-awaited first task! Even though a few of our brave tributes could not make it with us, I am still very excited to begin!

Like any other game, no one dies in the first task. This task will also determine if you will get any REBEL sponsors! Since the Capitol is against you all, the mysterious rebellion will be gifting any tributes/capitol people who are successfully helping the others survive. Like I mentioned earlier, the 10 of you are working together, not against each other. But that doesn't mean I am against drama and conflict...

For this task, the supplies and Capitol People have now arrived. You have all agreed to spend the first night in the field next to the arena, where the tributes escaped originally. However, a good night's sleep can't keep you away from the events that haunt you. For the tributes, you will have a nightmare about the things you have experienced in the games. The Capitol People will have a nightmare about an event that happened during their past lives. Make them as twisted and traumatic as you desire.

There is no word limit  this task, however I hope to see an entry that's more than 500 words. All entries are due on December 7, 2015 at 10pm EST. Entries turned in beyond that time will only have half their potential score, but the future rounds will not be as forgiving. Please be sure to send it to brookenet567(at sign)outlook.com .

If you have any questions or concerns, please refer to the rules or comment your question below.

Good Luck!

Author Games: Renegade | CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now