Task Two: Scores & Feedback

32 5 3

The entries I had received were very detailed and exciting, however I noticed a slight decrease in entries turned in...

Don't forget, your chance of death increases if you don't turn in entries!

Any who, lets see how you did!


Tribute 2: Mai Li

Score: 10

Feedback: I liked the introduction, where it showed your character learning to get used to throwing knives. I also appreciated your character's opinion of Amber throughout the entry, like how she started to seem suspicious and then redeemed herself by saving another tribute. Good job!

Tribute 3: Skye Finley

Score: 0

Feedback: No entry.

Tribute 4: Neha Bhavsar

Score: 0

Feedback: No entry.

Tribute 6: Aime Satomi

Score: 0

Feedback: No entry.

Capitol 1: Gus Octavius

Score: 7

Feedback: I thought the entry was a little fast paced, but I enjoyed the humor of Popsy aging backwards. The fact that Gus is the only boy makes your character seem like a "father hen" I guess in this entry, as you are constantly running from Skye to Popsy frantically.

Capitol 2: Vix Rojas

Score: 8

Feedback: I liked the use of detail, and the use of flashbacks that trigger because of Gus. The only thing was that the two tribute's death were cut off a little early, but other than that the entry was great!

Capitol 3: Luna Jordan

Score: 10

Feedback: What made your entry unique was that you included the psychological effect that your character endured during the process of the two tribute's deaths. I liked how a combination of the past events as well as the recent one has caused your character to develop a sense of self-doubt. Well done.

Capitol 4: Popsicle X

Score: 0

Feedback: No entry.

Capitol 5: Amber Dauntless

Score: 0

Feedback: No entry.

Capitol 6: Berenice Vipointe

Score: 10

Feedback: Despite what you mentioned of your entry being shorter, it was still really detailed! I liked your use of Chinese during the entry, so I even translated it for you!

我很想吧她打死 = I wanted it killed her (It kinda fits)

我说,我很想吧她打死 = I said, I would like it killed her (Yep. It fits)

闭嘴 = To shut up (Wow that fits like a jigsaw puzzle)


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