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"Elysia?" Bart echoed down the dim corridor.

"Yes sergeant?" I replied, locking up Amy's confinement room.

"Go to the main room and see how our guests are doing."

"Okay, be there in a minute!"

I jogged into the room, catching my breath to greet the refugees. They all sat by each other around the conference table, discussing their experiences with the Gamemakers. I took a bowl of fruit from one of the nearby shelves, and set it in the center of the table before taking a seat.

"So Mai, Neha, how was your experience with the almighty Amy March?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood. "I bet she's an odd one."

Mai glared at me as if I had offended her entire bloodline, but Neha lightly smiled and took an orange from the bowl. "It was really scary and exciting at the same time. It was like encountering your biggest phobia, but at the same time, you felt like you were in control of the phobia. You know? Anyway, calling her odd is definitely an understatement."

I smiled and nodded. Ever since the games, I always favored Neha. Her eyes always sparkled with curiosity and innocence, yet she was capable of taking care of herself. Mai was also a favorite of mine. Even now I still think there is a soft side deep inside her despite her hard, disciplined exterior.

"What about you Berenice?" I looked farther down the table. "How was your time with Kateryna?"

Berenice stopped nibbling on her apple and faced me. Her face implied she was alert, but her eyes seemed like she was somewhere else. "It was, it was um, interesting."

"That's all?" I asked hopefully. "She's like a celebrity! Surely something happened in there!"

She lightly shrugged, yet her face remained blank. "I don't know, I'd rather not talk about it."

"That's fine, I was just wondering." I replied with a warm expression. Berenice had always been the shy one, even in the job interview.

As I was about to ask Luna, she left to isolate herself in her chamber... again. I told Bart that we shouldn't have put a bookshelf in there, that's like putting a notebook in a room for an author; they're never going to leave the alternate realities they create.

Bart finally decided to join us, entering the room in his casual clothes. Which by the way, still makes him look like a secret agent. He took a seat in the chair next to Neha, and took a banana from the fruit bowl.

"So!" Bart announced cheerfully. "How is everyone doing he-"

His voice was cut off by the sudden appearance of the hologram. On the screen was the face of our patroller, Dimitri. Luna and Berenice weren't phased by his presence, but Mai and Neha were practically mesmerized by the hologram's presence.

"What's your report lieutenant?" I asked the projection. It felt so official talking this way in front of the tributes.

"Sir, Madam" Dimitri addressed accordingly to Bart and I. "We have successfully captured the president."

"The president?!" We all exclaimed in sync.

"The president as in President Uriel Snow?!" Neha chimed.

"Indeed." He boasted.

"Well why are we wasting time?" Bart's tone was strict and then casual again. "Bring him in!"

The large metal doors slid open, causing a gust of wind to flow through the base. Before us were three silhouettes, the one in the middle being restrained with shackles and burly guards. Once they stepped in the light, the president could be seen very clearly.

Author Games: Renegade | CLOSEDKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat