Capitol 2: Jade-Grace "Vix" Rojas

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Name: Jade-Grace "Vix" Rojas

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Skills: She is a speed reader. She can shoot a bow, but is useless with a knife. She loves baking and would give anything to curl up under a blanket with a muffin and a book or TV show.

Appearance: Jade has long red hair and green eyes that are sharp. She looks like a fox, which lead her friends to name her Vix, short for Vixen. She is tall and intimidated people most of the time.

Personality: Vix is can be smiley and over enthusiastic, but in her current situation is sarcastic and jokey, trying to keep her mood up. She is smart, and quick witted, but she can be quick to anger at times.

Token: She has a gold necklace with a token the shape of Angel wings her father gave her.

User: yellowwolf56

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