Grand Finale: Tea Time With The Gamemakers

70 4 21

Welcome to the final task! With the help of your map, along with your survival skills, the four of you have successfully made it to the rebel's base. Upon arrival you were greeted by Bartholomew and Elysia before being rushed inside.

The base is fairly dim with the exception of a few floodlights here and there. In what seems to be the "center" of the base is a large meeting table, with a large holographic device affixed to the table's middle. To the sides are pod-like rooms, the left ones looking rather luxurious, the right ones looking like prison cells. There were sixteen left rooms altogether, four of them labelled with the rebel base names, the other twelve labelled with tribute and Capitol ones. The right had five cell rooms, four are labelled for gamemakers...but what's the fifth one for?

Behind the meeting table is a wide hall, and a sign simply labelled "Hovercraft Exit". Elysia explains that that is how they will be taking you back home. Capitols first, then tributes. She also explains that you will be staying here for a few days, or at least until you can leave safely.

The rest of the day will simply be spent getting comfortable and cleaning up, but tonight will be quite interesting. Tonight you will get to talk to the Gamemakers.

You will be in a nice quiet room with them, and they will be restrained so they can't harm you. Within that room, you can stay as long as you like, and ask as many questions as you want to.

Also, you will be assigned to a gamemaker for the purpose of non-bias. Two of you will need to be with one because there's only three of them left.

Amy March - Mai Li & Neha Bhavsar

Kateryna Stiles - Berenice Vipointe

Dionysus Monterrae - Luna Jordan

Remember, the entries are no longer being scored. You will find out the final results in the epilogue.

All entries are due by January 27th, 2016 at 10 PM EST. Any entries turned in beyond this point will not be scored. Be sure you are sending it to brookenet567(at sign)

Good luck!

Author Games: Renegade | CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now