Capitol 5: Amber Dauntless

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Name: Amber Dauntless

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Skills: She is very comfortable speaking in public, and is usually the one chosen to give speeches regarding Hunger Games news. She's horrible with a blade, but a crack-shot with a gun, giving her a huge range.

Appearance: Amber has dark, curly hair, pale skin, and piercing green-hazel eyes. She is slightly taller than average for a girl her age, making her look older and more intimidating than she is.

Personality: Amber tries very hard to be kind to everyone, but it doesn't really show. Sure, she has her friends in the Capitol, but when you first meet her, you're on her turf now, and on her turf, her rules remain unbroken.

Token: Amber has an old necklace her mom gave her when she was little.

User: DauntlessAndIKnowIt

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