So Kaylene?

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Jack's POV

Once Paige left to the Bathroom. It felt like everything was going so slow. That was until Jack grabbed my shoulders harshly. 

"What?" I ask looking up at him. "Dude come on I brought you here to forget about her for at least a few hours." He says while groaning. 

Kaylene Just shakes her head slowly coming toward me. She grabs my hand, pulling me up. I shoot her a confused look, she ignores it and continues to walk around. I let it be and pull out my phone opening snapchat. 

Johnson posted? I click on his name and a picture pops us. I look at the picture and I realized that it was me and kaylene holding hands. I slightly smile at it and screenshot the picture. I look up after putting my phone back in my pocket. 

I take a look and see that were at Victoria Secret?

Kaylene had a smirk on her face, "Aww you to look so cute together are you dating?" A random girl comes up and asks us. At the same time I say, "No" Kaylene says, "Yes" I look at her like she's crazy, She sends me a glare, "Yes we are dating haha" She giggles at the end. 

Now I really wish I was still at home, I mentally groan to myself. 

"Oh well can I get a picture with you two?" Kaylene nods her head. I fake a smile and hold kaylene's waist. 

"OMG ITS JACK GILISNKY!!!" I turn around to see a crowd of teenage girls come toward me. Kaylene smiles even bigger. 

"Hey guys" I say while hugging some of the fans. 

"OMG ITS JACK JOHNSON" a random girl says. 3/4 of the crowd runs over to johnson. I'm not complaining cause wel I don't really feel like taking pictures right now. 

"Jack is that your new girlfriend?"

"Jack can you have my babies?"

"Jack can I get a picture?"

"What happened to Paige?"

"Who's she?" 

I laugh at all the questions, but immediately stop laughing at the mention of Paige's name. 

"Guys we aren't dating," I say to the girl and take a picture with her. "Maybe" I say smirking to the girl who asked if I can have her baby. She blushes and looks down. 

"And yes you can" I pull on her waist and kiss her cheek. She starts to cry and runs to her friend. "Omg Jack gilinsky kissed me." She says while sobbing into her friends shoulder. 

"Paige is hanging out with her friends right now." I say and hug/take a picture with her. 

"This is just a friend." I say while nodding my head to Kaylene. I hold her waist and kiss her cheek while her friend takes the picture. 

"Hey" A girl with brunette hair says. 

I smile back and say 'hey' 

"I'm Madison" Madison says while batting her eyelashes. 


"Sorry he's taken and how old are you? 13?" Kaylene says while pulling me behind her. Madison sends kaylene a glare and says, " actually 15 so back the fuck up" Madison gets all up in kaylene's face. 

(Ima call Kaylene, kay, KK?)
"Bitch wheres your mom? Little girl" Kay says while coming closer to Madison. I grab Kay's waist and pull her behind me. "Sorry Madison but we have to go." I say quickly, then turn around picking up kay running towards johnson. 

"Johnson come on bro we have to leave." I say while tugging on his shirt. He nods and waves goodbye to the fans. 

"What happend?" Johnson asks while licking his ice-cream. "I don't know, but what I do know is that this chick over here was about to get in a fight with a fan." I say pointing at Kay.

She slaps my hand away from here and says, "Well its not my fault I ship you and paige together, While bitting her cone. I let that sink slowly. How many people ship me and paige. 

I don't know but I am looking forward to something tonight. THE FIGHT......


This sucked I know. 

But who do you ship together? 

Paige and Josiah? Or Paige and Jack? 

Kaylene and Jack? Or Paige and jack?

Anyways I have to go..

Loves ~K

Words: 693

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