"STOP" (Chapter 13)

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Paige's POV

"Who was that, and why did he get mad?" Naomi asks eating a banana, "Oh and I have some news to tell you" she says.

"That was ja... why don't you guys go first." I say and get a banana. What? I like Bananas.

"Okay, so I don't know how to tell you but me and Josiah are dating, Um I didn't know if you liked Josiah, but If you do I am so sorry, we can break up if you want?" Naomi Says fast.

"No, I'm not mad. It's Just I liked Josiah but I have a finace. And were getting married In 7 months so he went out with Sammy to pick out some stuff I guess I don't know ." I say, I know josiah liked me but I can't like him back, me and jack are on good terms so I have know idea.

"But other than Jack, I am so happy for you guys." I semi-lie, I was actually feeling this little put of fire in the middle of my stomach.

"Yeah were happy for you to, oh and whens the wedding?" Naomi asks.

"Um In about 3 months or 4 depends when our parents are free, oh and you guys have to leave by 4 today not to be mean but yeah." I say getting up and throwing my banana peel away.

Does jack wanna get married?

Is this going to fast? Damn I need to work out.

"You guys wanna go to the gym with me?" I yell running upstairs to get some gym attire ready. "Sure" They yell back, "Were gonna get our stuff we'll meet you there"I don't respond because the already left.

I grab some black leggings, black running shoes, and a black sports bra but a kind of see through white shirt.

I go outside and get into my black jeep, Jack got it for me on my birthday.

I drive while thinking about how the wedding day is gonna go down.

"Hey guys" I say and walk into the gym, I grab all the stuff I need and start getting to work.

*1 hour later*

I have NEVER worked that hard in my life, i'm full of sweat, I look over to Namoi and she that she is perfectly fine? Oh right. She didn't even work out all she did was take pictures and pretending to do work.

I look over at josiah and see he is covered in sweat and has no shirt on!?!

(Okay so short little story, you guys can skip this and move on, So my first day of cross-country practice I had to get my uniform, and I guess Josiah didn't have a uniform to so he was waiting in line to, he was right behind me! We kept making eye-contact and it was just awkward I go mine and went to my friends. I look over to my side and see josiah about 8 feet away from me and he still had his uniform shirt on, So He took off the uniform and I think he knew I was watching him so he kind of did it slow. When he pulled off his uniform, his actual shirt kind of stuck to it and showed his stomach, it was weird for me to, but let me tell you, GOD DAMN DOES THAT KID HAVE ABS!!!! By the was he was only in 7th grade okay so go on with the story.)

Well damn, "Hey guys I gotta go and meet my mom I'll text you later Naomi and josiah" I go over and hug both of them but naomi screams when I hug her cause I'm still wet. Josiah starts laughing and starts to walk off.

Is it bad that I still have feelings for him?



Thank you so much :)

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