"Her Name Is Ellowyn."

474 16 3

Dear Wheatley,

To begin again, I'm so happy you got my first message. This makes it so much more comfortable. Again, I wish you were here to share this freedom with. I saw someone here in Daytown and she's like a new friend. Her name is Ellowyn, not that it would matter too much. I haven't told her anything about what happened yet. If you were to ever come back, promise me you won't tell her.

Anyway, back onto the real reason we're writing (well you aren't writing but you understand) to each other. Basically, it's okay that you did that to me. And I am not at all disappointed, I understand.

Oh, and sorry that I cried before. I was just really worried. I remember the first day I left Aperture, I couldn't remember what happened. I remembered everything except for sending you to space and I was just about as upset as before. Again, I feel like a baby. And also, thanks for understanding why I cried like that. I was worried you thought I was some crybaby.

And that reminds me, when they let me free, you'll never guess what I saw. I saw a huge, and I mean absolutely gigantic, just a huge wheat field. I don't know why they put it there but, it reminded me of you. It felt like she did that on purpose but maybe not. And when she released me up, there was a room filled with turrets. They sang. They sang a beautiful opera known as 'Cara Mia Addio.' I'm not sure if this is a feature for you, but you might be able to look it up with your technology.

So, two years now, it feels like it's been so fast. I can remember everything that happened so easily and so realistically, And sometimes even reluctantly. I remember the exact feeling I got when I heard you shout 'ONE!' when you disconnected from your rail. It was a few feelings actually. One being 'Oh my goodness he's about to fall on the floor!' and the other being 'Wow, he must really trust me.'

Also, I asked the people here a couple of questions. Apparently, video chatting is an option, but it can't be live, it must be pre-recorded like the audio ones. Otherwise, they're very expensive. I'm so lucky to have found this station.

They reviewed everything that you said just now. They say that they might give us free chat rooms. We could actually type to each other live. Of course, I would have to type again because I, well, you know. This is going much better than I expected. Sorry to cut this message short, there isn't much else to say. I'll see you in the next letter (Or maybe even a chat room.)


<<Sent from Daytown's Broadcast Station>>

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