"A Lot Of Looking Back."

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Dear Wheatley,

If you want to know how I forgave you for it, well that's a bit to talk about.

So, I was talking about how I cried once for you, we'll There's a reason I did. I mean, to be honest, I probably wouldn't do something like that again because the only reason I was like that is because I was so isolated. And being in isolation for so long leads to so much desperation for someone else.

So, yeah, I was upset when I thought you died. I imagine you were a bit upset when you found out I was about to be burned to death. Actually, you probably don't even know about that. But I knew that we'd been through so much together that I kinda just felt bad. And I still have something inside of me telling me to hate you.

I don't listen to it.

So I was thinking a bit about the whole 'Wheat Field' coincidence. And then I thought about how you actually like me. So eventually, and yes, I do have enough free-time to think of things like this. But what if she knew that I would feel bad for you in space and planted that wheat field while I was passed out. It sounds like something she would do, doesn't it?

But I keep on forgetting that she's supposed to be "Nice" now. It was like a bittersweet feeling when she let me go. I mean, she was a bit rude about it, but she actually did. I do know that something was going on with her and some girl over the intercom while we were down in that pit.

I also found it to forgive you because I'm not stupid. I know that it would only make sense for you to have a core transfer. We would've certainly died if you didn't. You made the right decision, you just used the body wrong. And I can understand how that happens. I mean, you've been used to a management rail, and then all of a sudden you have all of this power. I can see how things went wrong.

But if you really want to know how I forgave you. In laymen's terms, the terms in which I've been taught many things (Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out), I forgave you with a lot of thinking over and a lot of looking back. And I don't like looking back, which is another reason why I don't like Aperture. I absolutely have to look back, it's impossible not to.

And after doing so much of it, it just makes me think about it. What's the answer? What's the moral, the idea, the concept? There's a reason it happened. And it's so much more than just a gun. And it definitely has to do with you, her, the body, and the original developer of Aperture Science.

As for a moral, I'd say don't trust somebody just like that if I didn't know any better. But I still know that I had a reason to trust you. You were cheerful and reassuring. I could go into detail about that all night but that would go over the character limit.

And the part of me telling me to hate you is starting to get to me more and more. I just keep on thinking what kind of a lunatic I have to be to even consider-and yes, I am considering this-actually loving a robot that currently lives in space. And a robot who literally tried to kill me and betray me. I must have a serious case of (More Than) Stockholm Syndrome (By @nothingworld) if I think that it's meant to be.

Who am I to talk about what's 'Meant To Be'? Either way, I'm not meant to be sitting here typing a letter for a supposed robot from a facility that captures people and makes black holes in reality that likes me and betrayed me. It's pure insanity. But I can live with love, and being insane. Not that insane, I'm already out there if you ask some of the people I've talked to.

I was going to go on about this all night like I said I wouldn't. Then I looked at the alarm clock beside me and saw that it was 1:45 AM. Then I looked at the words left to use and I had only about 120, which isn't much.

So I guess I'm ending it there. I'm headed to sleep. Goodnight if you actually sleep. Probably a 'Sleep Mode' or something. Anyway, I'm tired and ready for bed. See you next time.


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