Chapter 01: "...I'll Always Be The Bad Guy."

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Hug: squeeze (someone) tightly in one's arms, typically to express affection.

Hunting? I'm way more surprised than I should be. He's obviously in the wheat field somewhere, that part's easy. But where? It's miles long. Probably by the shed.

I immediately thought that this was probably a trap. There's no way she would just give him to me. But she did let me escape. She's still a murderous AI. She would do anything to you with my emotions or to harm me or to torture me in any way. But she still gave me all of that speech in the end.

It was a touching speech, but if my life is still on the line, which it clearly is, I don't want to be involved. However, this isn't just my life. I didn't have a choice. I'm saving him. But I have to bring some kind of protection.

The portal gun is in space, and that was about the only thing I had. I still have a companion cube. I looked over at the small cube sitting in the corner. I don't care what anybody says, it's not a companion to me and never will be. I see it as a trophy. I brought it with me when I escaped. It's a sign that means 'I survived'. And it's the only one I have.

I knew I had to go. There isn't anything I could take to prepare but clothes and maybe some sunblock for walking for so long.


The sun is still beaming in my eyes. The heat is far worse than I had imagined. At least I was finally at the field, I thought. You better be here, Wheatley. You aren't going to be a moron are you? I asked the figure that I pictured to be him in my head. What am I even thinking? He can't move. He's a Core.


Hours upon hours of searching. The sun was starting to set. The field looks like the most peaceful thing I'd ever seen, yet I'm still here in a frantic search for a robotic friend. Every 10 seconds I would stop and clear out a little area of wheat to see if he was sitting there. No luck. I never expected him to be in any of the patches anyway. My real goal is to find the shed.

It's close now. So close. It's at least 45 yards away. I remember walking away the first time. I gazed forward and squinted my eyes almost as much as I could. I could finally, finally, make out the gray object in the middle of the field that I'd been looking for. I was so happy to see it, I actually tried to call out Wheatley's name. Of course, that failed.

Finally, I'm only feet away from the bruised shed. I looked all around it. There was some rubble and trash by it. The door was locked. That was to be expected. I walked around it so I was facing the back end.

There was a little post-it note that read something. I leaned a bit closer. An arrow. She wanted me to look down. I did, and there was another companion cube. It was more like a cardboard cube. I picked it up. Nothing was under it. Was this just a trap? It felt cardboard, so I finally thought about what it could be.

I found a little cress on it that I could dig my fingernail under so I could open it. After about two minutes, it was fully torn apart and there was only another note. The note was pinned to a small box the size of a wedding ring holder.

He's inside. Do you think I would make it that easy for you?

No. I didn't think you would make it that easy. I thought you would make me spend 9 hours looking for someone who isn't here. Actually, he's supposed to be inside. I slowly pulled off the top of the little box and it revealed a small key.

I think she tried to make this physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausting for reasons that I will probably never understand.

Sighing, I jam the key into the doorway, turning it to hear a click. The door swung open and creaked. There was no elevator, but a white panel with a blue portal on it. Though it I saw her hanging there staring at me with her cold yellow eye.

"Oh hi. I didn't think you would come so soon. I'm joking, of course. You really took your time with that. You can go ahead and step in. No tricks, just I give you what you want and we'll go about our business."

That's a voice I hoped I would never hear again. I don't know why, but both parts of me said that I should listen to her. And so far, they never lied to me. I looked around her. One of her bots were there, who waved to me. She seemed friendly enough.

I stepped in, not taking my glance off of her and stared at her with my arms crossed.

"What? Oh, right. You want the moron. Truth is, I didn't bring you here for him. I mean, he's here but that's not the main reason. I just wanted to let you know that, and I know I'm not the first person to say this to you, I'm sorry. I know this doesn't mean anything to you, does it? Through your eyes, I'll always be the bad guy," she stated, looking right at me.

She was right. I had always looked at her as an evil, heartless, monster. Even after Wheatley took control.

"Well, I just wanted this to be my message to you. This probably won't change much, other than Wheatley's species. Hm, I called him by his name. That's unusual. Anyway, I'll try not to sound too much like your mother, he's yours."

She seemed like she was trying to tell me that we're friends now. I guess that's okay. I have her a smile and looked around for Wheatley. I heard a door open somewhere.

"Hey, you said I should come out now so-- Oh! Oh my she's I didn't think you'd even come! Oh, thank you thank you thank you so much," said a voice behind me.

"Well, here he is. Take him, I don't want him."

I turned around and didn't see exactly what I expected. It was him, I knew that. But he was human. His His hair was blond. He wore a custom Aperture lab coat and he also had eye glasses.

"So, uh, let me...introduce myself I guess. My name's Wheatley. Probably picked up on that before. Uh, you know me. Just different. New and improved, not a moron, and not in space. But-but still not a human. I mean I, uh, she gave me human aspects, a body. Just no functioning organs or anything like that."

I noticed his eyes. They were bright. They were glowing a bright blue color, just like before. He's still a robot though. I looked at him for a bit, blinking. Is it really him? That easy? He was looking pretty nice actually.

"Before you ask, moron, she took eight and a half hours looking for you," she stated, trying to embarrass me.

"Oh, uh, thanks. So, can we leave or are we trapped here forever?"

"You can go. I'll be here, come back and visit if you want," she said.

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